Awakening Ceremony

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Two years have passed since Travis had his first monster hunt. He's gone back to the forest a couple times to fight more monsters and gain experience. Yet after the 5th time Travis stopped going because security had gotten tigher in the forest. They now had gaurds around 24/7 and Travis did not want to get caught.

With Training Travis relied on doing martial arts in his backyard. This didn't increase his experience any how but it did work on making his body much more agile and strong.

Nothing really big has happened in these two years. Sure he's currently 18 so he's now an adult again. The main character Chris got engaged to the first heroine which was really annoying for him. Since every night the citizens would light up fire works and make paraids. Also the king made the Decree which made no one in the whole kingdom allowed to call Chris the useless Prince. Well it didn't stop Travis from singing it in his head from time to time.

This also meant that Chris had awakened his Mana pool which moved the plot even further. Travis couldn't wait till the plot officially started. These past two years were long and boring he had absolutely nothing to do except exercise and train. He bought many things to make his life less boring but after a few weeks he got tired of them.

Also it's been a whole two years since he got pussy. He's been having nightmares of his cock getting chopped off for some reason. He thought this might be the side affects of not getting pussy.

He refused to let himself bang a prostitute, he never did it before and was never gonna do it now. He didn't even jerk off too, Travis found that jerking off was a sin back in his previous world and never did it again. Not saying that you should stop doing it or anything.

Right now Travis is getting ready for the awakening Ceremony. He wore a nice navy blue suit. His hair cut to perfection, over the two years his face become more mature looking.

'I look good. Don't get mad I take your bitch nega. Ahahh yeah I'm not joking'

He got out the bathroom and went to the living room. ' Yo system show me my stats'

[ Aight bro]

Over the years the system grew a personality, but not the sweet female system protagonists have or the annoying one that nags and disses you every second. The system turned into a dude, his deep voice would ring in Travis's mind everytime he thought of pussy. Travis didn't really mind him since over the two years he was the only person he could speak too. Most of y'all would have turned emo and started avoiding any type of conversation plus y'all wouldn't bath like your average discord mob.

The system had asked Travis if he wanted to give him a name and Travis refused saying that it'd be weird to name a grown ass man.

[Name: Travis Wyatt]
[ Age: 18]
[Level: 1]
[Strength: 30
[ Speed: 35
[ Stamina:40
[ Agility: 41
[ Vitality:50
[ Charm : 32
[ Talent : Boundless]
[ Potential: Limitless]

His grew stronger yet his level didn't even budge. ' Yeah I kinda regret having that wish. But at least from tomorrow I'll start getting stronger. Good thing I made school open a day after the ceremony, if I had stayed much longer with out action I'm sure I would have died'

After Travis got prepared he left his apartment and walked to the academy. It wasn't really far from where he was so it didn't take much time to get there.

He ran towards the Ceremony building. When he arrived at the gate he saw 9 limousines Parked beside the gate. All of them had distinct designs on them. Two of the limousines were designed for people of large bodies. Other students also stayed back and waited to see the The Heirs. The first limousines driver came out and went to the back door and opened it and the Prince Came out. Travis looked at the Protagonist and smiled.
' who would have thought I'd the see  my character in real life.' He said. The other heirs also left their limousines. One by one they left. The students watching Screamed in excitement. Seeing the Princes and Princesses. From male and female the students blushed. They were  all beautiful and handsome.

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