[flower husbands] don't wake me up (i want to dream of you)

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Jimmy couldn't exactly remember where he was. His own bed had a rough texture - a little scratchy on the scales sometimes, but it was pretty comfortable and warm. The heavy blanket always soothed him after a long day of ruling.

However; this bed was incredibly comfortable. Uber comfortable. Soft pillows, soft blankets, soft mattress, and a pair of warm, soft arms wrapped around him. And they smelled really nice too - not like the pine scent that occupied his own sheets, but this was fresh cotton and linen rolled up with some other smell that was almost intoxicating. Jimmy smiled slightly and buried his head further into the blanket, desiring to get more.

He felt it move and cracked his eyes open, coming inches away from a familiar pale neck, and flicking his eyes up just the tiniest bit revealed Scott's face, contently fast asleep.

Jimmy bolted upright - or, he would have if Scott's arms and wings weren't currently curled around him - and widened his eyes to the size of saucers.

It hit him like multiple bricks to the face.

He was sleeping in Scott's bed.

Hugging Scott.

Who didn't have a shirt on.


Lizzie was going to murder him.

Awkwardly, he wriggled a little bit, seeing if he could get loose. Scott unconsciously responded by hugging him even tighter so that the side of his face was pressed against his collarbone, trapped in his soft embrace.

Really, Jimmy didn't mind. Scott was warm and soft and cuddly and just about taller than him so that his chin gently rested on the top of his head. The only issue was that Lizzie and Joel were also staying at Rivendell, meaning that they would most likely notice their unexplainable absence.

So Jimmy had to think of a plan, fast.

He shifted until he could sort of move his arm and slowly poked Scott's cheek. The elf's face moved a little, but not by much. So he poked him again, and when that didn't work, tried to gently shake his shoulder.

Ah. Jimmy had forgotten one thing. Scott was a very heavy sleeper - especially when he was tired. Jimmy had been with him almost the entire of last night, and could personally tell that he would be exhausted.

Groaning softly, he leaned up as much as he could (which wasn't far by how Scott insisted on hugging him like a teddy bear) and kissed him on the cheek, before letting his head fall back down. He was a beloved man: a silly one, but beloved one all the same. Scott's wings wrapped themselves around him and would've eliminated the need for blankets if it wasn't so cold in Rivendell.

That was okay. Jimmy didn't often feel the cold, not with Scott's touch to warm him up.

Seriously though- he kinda had to go downstairs before his sister suspected anything. She'd suspect something anyway, but it was better to be as unsus as possible.

"Scott?" He whispered, looking up a little. The elf showed no sign of waking up.

Jimmy pressed a kiss onto his collarbone before shaking his shoulder. "Scottttt?"

He showed a small sign of disturbance, eyebrows furrowing a little. Which was good! He was making progress. A little progress, but hey, it was progress.

"You're such a sleepyhead." He chuckled, moving to stroke his hair with the hand nearest his head.

"Go back to sleep Petal." Scott slurred tiredly, hugging Jimmy more.

He fake pouted and joked. "But being awake means I can kiss you."

"Mmm..." The elf sluggishly leaned down and pressed a kiss onto the top of his head, then another on his forehead. Jimmy would have melted if it wasn't for the embrace tightening further.

"Seriously." He wriggled again. "Lizzie will come looking for us in a minute. And she's going to find us in the same bed with you shirtless."

"You're the one that took it off," Scott mumbled. "N' you don't have one on either."

Jimmy slowly looked down at himself and realised that alas, he was shirtless as well.


Lizzie was going to definitely kill them.

"Babe, are you sure-?"

A knock on the door made them both freeze, inconveniently so as Scott's arms were now frozen around him and he couldn't dash into the closet to hide (haha... he was so funny). When Scott didn't answer and Jimmy realised he couldn't out of knowledge it would instantly give them away, it creaked open to reveal his sister.

"Scott?" Lizzie asked, peering through. "Are you-"

She stopped still and stared at the two of them. It must have been quite a sight, both of them shirtless, sleeping in the same bed, Scott currently cuddling her younger brother.

"Hey Lizzie-" Jimmy smiled weakly, eyes open in alarm. "I- uh- I can explain-"

"I'm going to murder both of you."

"...noted." He squeaked.

"Mmm." Scott hummed, eyes still closed.

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