Chapter 3- face to face:

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Savannah Carson .P.O.V.

Ever since that night in the woods I barely slept and when I did I had dreams about the same woman but a wolf saved me every time it was a brown wolf and he never stopped until he saved me every time and I can't forget when I first looked at the tan wolf I can't get over the feeling this shock wave that just felt like electricity flowing through me this feeling of warmth and comfort it's been a weird few months for me having these dreams and flashbacks me and Davina have spoke once about what happens and that was it but I know it's had an affect on her but I don't even no what happened I don't wanna no I just I wanna feel safe and my family to be safe.

On the other hand I've grown really close with quil embry and Jake the last 3 months I was meeting them today at the beach when I got there my shoes in my hand I waved to quil who jogged over to me
  "Finally" he huffed at me jokingly I rolled my eyes we always joke about how I'm late to everything
  "Shut up" I rolled my eyes at him playfully as he pushed me slightly I plopped down beside jake and embry
  "I literally could live here" I sighed content throwing myself back on the sand
   "Ye right till the slightest bit of wind comes" jake tutted at me
  "Stop ruining the moment" I tapped his arm
  "Have you spoke to Bella recently" he asked I sighed
  "She's completely blanked me and everyone really since Edward left" I sighed "I was gonna try get her to come over and like fix some cars wanna help" he offered I pretend to think about it for a minute
  "Sure" I agreed
  "Jakes wants us there so it doesn't look like he's tryna get with her" Quil added on laughing there was a few minutes of us just playing around and I noticed how quiet Embry was being
  "Embry you ok" I asked him quieter so they others wouldn't hear he nodded not even looking at me
  "I'm gonna head home guys not feeling too well" he said abruptly just leaving like that it was confusing
  "What the hells up his ass" jake frowned as we watched him stomping away
  "He's been like that for weeks now" Quil said
  "Maybe there's something going on we don't no about" I shrugged
  "Maybe" jake repeated still watching him leave
  —After a few hours—

Me Jake and Quil all decided to call it a day and head home but they live close together n I came in Jules' car so they drove off after they said goodbye and now the car won't start and I'm stranded here cuz no one at my stupid house will answer the phone.
  "Pick up pick up pick up" I begged as I called hailey for the millionth time I've tried to start this stupid car a thousand times it just won't start I no literally nothing about cars I could ring jake again seen as he really good at this stuff but he's probably just got home I'd feel bad calling him out again I sighed releasing a deep huff
  "You ok?" A voice spoke scaring me I jumped quickly turning around to see a really handsome boy my age he had tan skin dark hair stood about 6ft he was muscular like REALLY muscular. His eyes they looked so familiar but I'm certain I'd never seen him before
   "Hey" I replied realising I hadn't spoken back yet "my car won't start is all" I huff with a small smile
  "Want a tow" he asked
"If it's not too much trouble" I questioned "my sister could get me if she-" he cut me off
  "It's no Trouble at all" he shook his head smiling
  "Thankyou so much" I smiled grateful but I couldn't help but feel so...nervous but excited around him as he grabbed whatever he needed from his truck
  "I'm Jared by the way" he smiled
  "Savannah" I replied "Thank you again for this most people wouldn't have bothered to help" I stated not sure of what else to say but I wanted to say something
  "It's no problem I've been there before myself so" he shot me a smile it was quite for a few minutes "w-what brings you to the res?" He asked me
  "Err-" he cut me off
  "It's just I would've  surely seen you if you'd moved here" he added I nodded
"I was meeting some friends I moved to forks a few months ago" I told him he nodded
  "Whose your friends I might No them" he asked
  "Jacob black embry and Quil" I said
  "Oh ye they're pretty cool.." he said nervously I laughed awkward as he scratched the back of his neck abit avoiding my eye before he opened the side of his truck for me I thanked him
As I climbed in it was a bit awkward on the drive home only me showing him the way to go
  "So a-are you liking forks?" He started
  "Ye it's pretty cool it's really different from Florida but it's what I like about it" I answered
  "Did you not like Florida" he asked
  "N-noo i-i did I I just wanted a- like a fresh start somewhere knew uno" i cursed myself for stumbling on my words he's so good looking
  "What about you have you lived on the res your whole life?"I asked he nodded swiftly
  "Ye it's all I've ever known really" he replied
  "I think it's nice" I added
  "Gets a bit boring at times" he admitted outside it began to pour
  "Your literally a saviour for getting me before the rain" I laughed a bit
  "No biggie" he smiled back
  "What age are you?" I asked
  "17 you?" He turned to look at me as I showed him which way to go
  "16" I answered

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