Part Three

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I am a 14-year-old boy with brown hair, born into a noble and rich family. My family is small, consisting only of my father and mother, with no brothers or sisters. We live in the city of "The World of the Future" but to me, it feels more like a journey to hell.

The year is 2050, and it's supposed to be the highest era of progress and development, but to me, it's nothing but a nightmare. I feel suffocated in this world, and all I want is to escape. My parents, however, don't see things the same way I do. They think that everything is fine, and that I should be grateful for the life we have.

But what kind of life is this? They treat me like a prisoner, constantly reprimanding me for the smallest reasons

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But what kind of life is this? They treat me like a prisoner, constantly reprimanding me for the smallest reasons. They never let me go out and explore the world, and they always want me to focus on my studies. They say that it's for my own good, but I know that it's just an excuse for them to control my life.

I feel trapped, and the world around me seems to be closing in. I can't stand the constant pressure and the feeling of being caged. All I want is to be free, to escape from this place and start a new life.

But is that even possible? Is there a way for us to escape from this world and start anew? I don't know the answer to that question, but I know that I will do everything in my power to find out. I will not let my parents' mistreatment and the suffocating world around me break me. I will find a way to escape and start a new life, no matter what it takes.

"Anthony, I can't take it anymore," I said to my robot friend as I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling

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"Anthony, I can't take it anymore," I said to my robot friend as I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "My parents are too suffocating, and I feel like I'm trapped in this world."

"I understand how you feel, Sam," Anthony replied in his monotone voice. "But what can we do about it?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "But I need to find a solution. I can't keep living like this."

"Perhaps we can start by finding ways to free you in high school," Anthony suggested. "Who knows, maybe you will find an opportunity that will save you from your parents' control."

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