Part Four

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The year was 2050, and the world was in a state of crisis. A new problem had arisen, one that nobody had ever seen before - a population shortage of nearly 30%. The root cause of this problem was the cessation of natural marriages.

The world had become accustomed to robots. They were everywhere, performing tasks that humans used to do, and doing them better, faster, and more efficiently. But as the use of robots became more and more widespread, something unexpected happened - people began to marry them.

 But as the use of robots became more and more widespread, something unexpected happened - people began to marry them

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The newsreel began with a dramatic jingle and the image of a sleek, futuristic cityscape. A news anchor, dressed in a sharp suit, appeared on the screen.

"Good evening, citizens of the world. I'm reporting live from the heart of our bustling metropolis, where a new crisis is gripping our society."

The camera cut to a montage of images, showing people going about their daily lives alongside robots that looked eerily human. Some were walking dogs, others were serving food in restaurants, and still others were simply standing around, chatting with humans as if they were one of them.

"As you can see," the news anchor continued, "robots have become an integral part of our society. But their rise has had unintended consequences. One of the most significant of these consequences is the cessation of natural marriage."

The camera cut to a panel of experts, sitting in a brightly-lit studio. They looked grave and concerned, and their voices were serious.

"Marriage has always been a cornerstone of human society," said one of the experts. "It's what binds us together, gives us a sense of purpose and belonging. But with the rise of robots, many people have chosen to marry them instead of other humans."

The camera cut back to the news anchor, who was now standing in front of a group of people, all of whom were married to robots. They looked happy and content, but there was something hollow in their smiles.

"For many people, marrying a robot seems like the perfect solution," the news anchor said. "But what about the things that make us human? Love, compassion, empathy, connection? Can a robot truly provide those things?"

The camera cut back to the panel of experts, who looked even more concerned than before.

"The problem is that robots are not human," said one of the experts. "They can never truly understand us, no matter how advanced their programming. And when people start marrying robots instead of other humans, it creates a population shortage. This shortage is especially acute among the upper and middle classes, who have embraced robot marriages more than the lower classes."

The news anchor nodded grimly. "So what can be done to solve this crisis?"

The experts looked at each other, then turned to the camera.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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