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you arrived back at the warehouse giggling with xaiver

you-mm i say first floor

xaiver-not 3rd like our usual?

you-were in daylight so no not the 3rd floo-

xaiver pulled you back covering ur mouth as you glanced up he point to the left seeing erin and a few older men in the building

xaiver backed away sliding against the wall still holding you

you-i know him
you whispered

xaiver-which one?
he asked quieter

you-the younger boy, that's erin
you pointed to him

??-i don't know lowe should be here by now

you whispered confused

xaiver-ur dad? what's he gotta do with this building?
he asked you

you-im about to find out
you pushed off xaiver as he pulled you back

xaiver-no you are not, ur gonna get hurt fauna

you-im gonna be fine stay here and stay quiet
you smiled walking around the corner confidently


you-hi my dad sent me
you lied meeting the group of 3 older men and erin

??-oh right where is he?

you-busy with work his recently hired these 2 guys who need his help settling in, so what can i do?
you asked with a smile

erin-that xaiver guy who attacked you at the party has been seen here ur dad wanted something to do with that but none of us know becuase his not here
he chuckled

you-oh right, i can give him a call tell him to get down here
you lied walking a few steps away calling ur dad

dad-hi honey how's the turfs?

you-you lied to me
you whispered walking out a back door

he chuckled confused

you-you told me you couldn't file anything against xaiver and after that you'd leave him alone but youve got erin and other work guys where he was last sighted!? dad are you trying to kill him!
you asked frustrated

dad-how do you know about that

you-because im stood right infront of erin and these 3 other guys
you said glancing back over to them

ur dad sighed
dad-i just thought if the police have no authority i could sort this myself

you-sort it yourself, you mean kill him!?

dad-i wasn't going to kill him fauna, look forget about it you've told me what you want and that's to forget about him and ignore it happened so im gonna do that put me on speaker

you stormed back inside putting him on speaker

you-ur on speaker talk
you replied still furious

dad-forget about it guys, if his not there then leave it fauna right
he admitted as erin glanced up to you

dad-ive go to bailey's meeting we can talk this out later fauna

you ended the call looking up to the guys

you-you heard him, leave
you said as they all left out the back door apart from erin...

erin-i don't know whats going on but i'm worried about you. the last thing i saw was you crying ur eyes out at a party event

you smiled
you-i can come over later if you want me too? im honestly okay tho

erin-sure, bye faun

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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