The incident~❤️ (jealous Diluc)

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Hey this is my first story uhh tell me what you think don't be rude or I'll hunt you down also sorry this is so short 🥺

CW: smut (ofc), sexual content
I'm pretty sure that's it 😈

*It was a regular day in mondstadt, nothing exciting, was happening often.... Until..*
*You we're off to drop off some papers to Jean (or whatever the fuck💀). *You didn't knock before you came in and what happened next shocked you! As you proceeded to walk in the room you heard what sounded like a moan..? You jump as gasp at the unbelievable sight. You could not believe your eyes what did you see?? You saw Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Diluc and Abraham Lincoln playing ring around the Rose toy you stare in shock

"is this really happening you thought??!" *you thought*

*They all didn't notice you staring at first, you watch as it's Dilucs turn and god he really turned you on your breathing got heavier as you watched Diluc handle that shit like a pro fuck he was so hot Diluc turned and noticed you he jumped a little wide eyed while he gasped every one else also turned too you suddenly sinister grins appear than their face*

"Oh shit!!.." *you thought.* *Abraham Lincoln making the first move walks up to you seductively* "GYATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" *he would say admiring your figure you look over his shoulder seeing how jealous and mad Diluc looked. You start trying to explain your self* "I-I-I-I-I I'm so s-s-sorry!! I- uh didnt mean to I-" *Abraham cut you off putting a finger over your mouth* "shhhhhhhhhh.. calm down baby."

This is so short MB I'll be making a longer story next probably no promises🤷🏾 Add this to your library and stay tuned for more fire content 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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