The Girl with four mates

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Name:Michelle M.
Age: 19
NiKlaus M. (Protective but loving father)
Elijah M. (Protective but loving uncle)
Kol M. (Protective but loving uncle)
Rebekah M. (Protective but caring Aunt)
Freya M.(aunt)
Hope Andrea M. (Jealous little sister)
Hayley Andrea Marshall (self centered step mom)

Friends: Caroline,Silas,Amara,Tatia, Damon,Jeremy,Jenna, Marcel,Joshua,Diego,Jane,Felix, Caius,Marcus, Rosalie,Jasper,Emmett,Carlisle,Esme,Sam,Paul,
Jared,Leah,Seth,Harry,Billy,Sue,Rachel,Rebecca (Becca), Emily,Claire,Angela (Josh's Mate), Lauren (Felix's mate), Ryan (Jaspers true mate), Peter W. charlotte W., Carman Denali, Eleazar Denali,Tanya Denali(Diego's Mate), Kate Denali, Alastair,Garrett (Kate's Mate),Tyler Lockwood,Katherine, Malachi and Luke Parker,Lucifer,Mazikeen,Amendial ,Chloe Decker,Sam and Dean Winchester,Castiel,Rowena,Crowley

Non friends: Esther M., Finn M. Mikel,  Dahlia, Stefan,Bonnie,Matt,Vicki, Mason, Richard,Carol,John (sometimes), Tomb Vampires,The Gemini coven (Olivia Parker), Elena Gilbert Isabella Swan,Jacob black, Jessica Stanley, Mike Newton,Tyler Crowley, Micheal (Lucifer's twin brother),Asmodeous,Lilith

Personality:protective,Caring, Loving, intelligent, sarcastic,anger issues,Trust issues, playful (when around her mates), seductive (when around her mates), supportive

Species: Tribrid (vampire,Wolf and an Angel)

Physical Appearance

Angels appear human, albeit with large wings. It's unknown whether this is their true form or simply how they choose to appear when outside of Heaven. Lucifer was the only known angel without wings, having severed them after abandoning Hell, leaving large notable scars on his back. After spending time on Earth and committing various sins, Amenadiel's wings began to stop functioning and decay. However, he regained them when Charlotte Richards died and was able to use them to fly her to Heaven.

Any pattern in the color of their wings is still unknown. Lucifer's enormous wings were shown to be white and to glow with a divine light, while Amenadiel's wings were dark grey (although they did have a bright sheen) before they began to decay, when they lost their sheen and coloration, becoming a dull brown. Uriel's wings are a shade darker than Lucifer's, still white yet with a more grey shade. Michael's wings are a dark grey as well, darker than Uriel's wings and closer in shade to Amenadiel's. Remiel's wings are mottled shades of brown and tan, similar to a bird of prey's.

The appearance of an angel's wings being suited to them personally may suggest that it is a manifestation of their self-actualization. Lucifer's wings are a brilliant white, suiting him as the "Lightbringer." Michael has one crooked wing, reflecting his sloped shoulder. Remiel's hawk- or falcon-like wings is fitting since her personality is centered around being a huntress. Uriel's self-imposed perception as a smaller angel, "not the eldest son, not the young rebel, but an angel buried somewhere deep in the middle," might explain why his wings are a light grey, not shining white like Lucifer nor the dark uniform grey of Amenadiel and Michael.

Powers and Abilities

All angels have the following powers:

Superhuman Strength: Angels possess vast levels of superhuman strength, much greater than humans, demons, animals, and other beings. Their super strength is far greater than demons, as Mazikeen was unable to defeat Amenadiel when she battled him in the bar, using all of her might against him, with him essentially toying with her throughout the whole fight. Despite Lucifer struggling with Mazikeen in their first altercation as he wasn't actually trying to hurt her, he later on easily defeated her. Lucifer is shown to be much stronger than Mazikeen, punching and throwing her back several meters. It was shown that Uriel easily defeated Mazikeen in hand-to-hand combat. Lucifer has been seen to easily take down three demons with ease and Amenadiel also easily overpowered several demons, further showing that Angels are indeed far more powerful than demons. The strength of Angels vary, as Lucifer and Amenadiel are known to be among the strongest of angels, with Lucifer even being slightly stronger than his brother, known to be much stronger than Uriel, while Remiel and Michael were strong enough to hold their own against them but was ultimately outmatched.

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