I saw something in the water

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Max's POV
I saw something shining in the snow. A gun. My cheeks and nose were frozen and red. My feet were numb with the snow. I wanted to yell "GET AWAY FROM MY MOMMY!" but I had never yelled in my life. I had never talked either. As far as I'm aware, I was born deaf. I had never been so scared in my 5 years alive. I quickly slid down the hill towards the gun. Esther was getting close to stabbing Mommy, and I had to be quick! Esther had killed Daddy(i saw!). She wouldn't kill Mommy if I did this. I picked it up and aimed it at Esther. I shot, but missed. It hit the ice. I flew backwards, a burn was created on my hands from the gun. The ice started to crack... one minute Esther was on top of Mommy about to stab her, and the next they were both underwater. I may of killed the person I wanted to kill, but also sent my mommy to her own watery grave. I quickly went down the hill, looking for site of mommy under the ice, or even Esther! Just a human! Suddenly, Mommy popped out of the ice, Esther in tow almost slitting her throat. They went back under. After what felt like a year, Mommy showed back up the ice. "Go back! Go back! It's too dangerous, go back!" Mommy screamed, motioning for me to go back. I may be deaf, but I understood. Suddenly Esther grabbed onto Mommy, and used her ankle to get her half out of the water. Wincing as she grabbed with her broken arm. "Please... don't let me die mommy." Esther pleaded. I read her lips.  I stared at Esther. Mommy looked unconvinced. "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING MOMMY!" Mommy screamed. I read her lips too. Mommy forcefully grabbed her ankle and violently kicked her in the face. I imagined a crack. I flinched as Esther went back into the ice depths. A pang of guilt stabbed me. She had been the only who was wasn't a drunkard, a cheater, or just plain rude.. STOP IT, MAX! Mommy ran over to me and engulfed me with her arms, like right before the ice fight. I noticed something floating in the ice water. I tapped Mommy. 'My hearing aids are in the water' I signed before pointing to them. She was reluctant, so I went over and picked them up myself. I noticed Esther smiling at me, not floating below, but swimming. 'Your welcome' she signed. I got Mommy, but she saw nothing.
I layed in the hospital room, engulfed in Daniels arms. Daniel was crying. He didn't know about Daddy. 'I'm so, so sorry you saw it...' he signed and mumbled. 'Don't worry... but we may have a problem.' I signed. 'What?' He signed. 'I saw Esther... Leena. I saw Leena.' Mommy had told us about her real age, name, and nationality. "WHAT?!" He yelled. I shushed him. 'Mommy can't know!' I signed. He nodded. 'Right... makes sense. What shall we do?' He said and signed as much as he could. 'Nothing for now. Wait till you come home. The doctor said in 3 days.' I signed, unsure if he understood me. He only knew some ASL. 'Fine.' He signed. He let a sigh of nervousness. My hug got bigger.
Daniel was home now. We had the money from Daddys will. Not enough to move out of the wretched walls, but enough for us to have a home. Everytime I walked into the living room all I saw was Daddy.. dead on the floor. The stain was still there. I had watched from the stairs. Now.. it's time to find out what to do next.

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