Chapter 3

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The rest of the short trip to Roizen Halls estate was filled with the quiet of those who experienced a shared traumatic event.

The girls held hands while all of the men were on even higher alert than before. Alana was glad for the silence, trying to process the little details of her encounter with the real life beast from the rumors. Torches surrounded the group, as if the flickering flame could protect them all from another attack.

The fact that such a monster existed changed everything about her approach at Roizen Hall. To make matters worse, she couldn't understand why a bloodthirsty monster didn't just kill her.

The imposing silhouette of Roizen hall came into view. The extensive mansion and its three painted towers seemed to grow out of the cliff edge like a weed out of the soil.

The driver called greeting to some invisible source and the gates began to creak open. The miniature caravan was soon engulfed by fortress style walls. Torches lined the inner stone, lighting the edges of a large garden.

The group trundled up the drive to the main steps of the building. Calls and shouts could be heard as other mercenaries and stablehands appeared to help their fellow comerades.

The girls were taken from the cart and led to a side door. After walking through a maze of hallways, the girls stood in front of a group of older women dressed in plain, grey dresses.

One woman, with a severe bun of silver hair and piercing green eyes, gave them a once over. "Welcome to Roizen Hall. I am Mathilda, the head maid. I understand that you experienced something tonight on your journey here."

"While I understand how frightening and new all of this might be to you, I urge you to take the night to relax and prepare for your new life here at the manor. My staff has prepared some bath's for you, and sets of bedding and uniforms.

She eyed Alana's overly mudded appearance compared to her companions. "All of you will scrub yourselves until you are clean enough to be in their nobility's presences. Then I will take you to the rooms you will be staying in."

None of the girls moved towards the bundles, looking at each other and eventually Alana for the lead.

"Ladies, we do not have all night. It does no one any good to be out of their rooms at night."

"Too bone weary to argue or even question, Alana took a set of clothing and followed another girl into a large room.

The bellmonte family had wealth, if the display of the servant's bath was anything to go by. A huge basin had been carved out of the floor, and it was filled with steamy, clear water.

Alana sighed with relief as she slipped her aching body below the surface. The other women joined her with equally refreshed sighs. The girl was not used to communal bathing, but was too tired to care.

Her relaxation was short lived. A dish with a sponge and bar of soap clacked onto the floor next to her head. "Ladies, I expect to see pristine skin when you are finished. We at the manor have a reputation to uphold, from the Lord and lady all the way down to the lowliest stable boy."

"That reputation is for being the most honorable and upstanding house next to the royal family." Alana closed her eyes and sunk further into the water until the old woman's voice became nothing but distorted notes underwater.

That was until soapy water was poured over her face.

"And you are?" Mathilda asked as Alana sputtered and wiped the sting of soap from her eyes.


"Full name please,"

"Alana Bonnit." The girl glared at the woman through teary eyes.

"Miss Bonnit" The woman continued. "Have you been paying attention?" Mathilda chastised  "It is imperative you understand and follow everything I said to the very last detail. The Bellmonte family implemented these rules to ensure your safety."

"What is the most important rule to follow Miss Bonnit?" The maid asked her haughtily.

Alana looked around at the other girls for help. None of them offered any response, too cowed by the woman's harsh disdain for them.

"I'm waiting, Miss Bonnit," the head maid said smugly.

"Don't break anything that looks expensive," she hedged, just to get the woman to stop singling her out.

Mathilda looked offended, as if any of his masters' new indentured servants should be paying rapt attention to his words. "Listen up ladies. The number one rule at Roizen Hall is this: no one is allowed outside of their rooms after dark."

"The second rule is, do as you are told, and the third rule is to carry with yourself with poise and decorum at all times. Even as servants, we represent our masters."

"What are we getting paid?" Alana asked.


"Yes." Alana clarified. "I will work here until my family's debt is paid. To do that, I need to know how much I will be earning by day or week so I know how long I have to stay at this godforsaken place." She noted the woman's shocked expression.

"That will have to be something to bring in front of the masters in the morning." Mathilda said. "After that, everyone will be joining me for proper ettiquitte lessons. Double for you Miss Bonnit."

Alana sighed as she left the bath and donned her nightgown. Perhaps in the morning she would have the energy to argue.

WC: 905

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