Chapter 25: Carnival🔥(Shale)

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I shook my long quills violently backpedaling away. "This isn't our way..."

"But it is our mate's," Eh'kt countered, referring to Mourning Crow as ours like it didn't even matter.

"We're yautja, not razkurs," I snarled. "I get that you two need a donor but that can be supplied through a lab. We DO NOT share lifemates!"

"But we are possessive," Eh'kt held his ground. "I chose you and will accept no other to aid in siring Mourning Crow's offspring or you mating with another. And I don't expect you will tolerate anyone else either."

What the fuck is wrong with him?! I knew the bastard was twisted but... "How long have you been plotting this?"

"Since before our mate's blooding," Eh'kt flashed a smug grin.

OUR!! He dares say it again!

I stood over him protracting my mandibles in his face as I teetered on making a fist and gutting him naval to chin.

"Save your energy for her," my impudent Adjutant had the nerve to chitter. "You'll need it."

"Fuck you!"

"No Shale," Eh'kt lunged at me. "Fuck her. After we have a chat and bring her up to speed, we'll work out a schedule."

I threw up my hands and backed away. "You're insane if you think I'm going to submit to this absurd timetable!"

"I know, I know," Eh'kt bobbed his head. "Mourning Crow's not big on structure either. As you said, we're yautja, I figured it was best to keep our expectations within reason. I'll give you two all the space you require."

"How can you possibly be ok with this?" Did he sustain some kind of brain injury while fighting with that Graven?

"I made the same protests when Dr. Kazz'mon first announced Mourning Crow couldn't be augmented," Eh'kt sighed. "Any scenario of denial you can manufacture I've already exhausted. Heck, I'd still be dithering in resistance if you hadn't shown up that day by the waterfall."

"You knew..." I felt my mandibles grow hot. Of course, she was aware of me and it was stupid of me to think she wouldn't tell him.

"What do you think she was telling in Ahnzi the entire time?" Eh'kt flung the truth in my face. "At the time I wanted to rip your head off and wear it as a codpiece but then I came to realize who better to facilitate my entrance into the Eternal Bloodline than my most vexing rival?"

"I didn't even know you."

"But you were everything standing in the way of my objectives," Eh'kt touched his claws to his chest, admitting his true ultimate weakness to me without regret.

"What you demand," I had to sever this delusion at its core. No amount of bravery could change the facts. "It's not my place."

"You proved that it is this morning."

I clenched my fist. How many times will my screw-up be wielded against me?

"In all the Nexus," Eh'kt took a bold step to confront me. "Who do you trust more than her and me?"

I pushed him away with a growl and turn back the way we came, leaving the asshole to finish his ridiculous errand without me.


I wandered aimlessly through the streets of Karwarak and was greeted amiably by occasional random razkurs. It was still two hours before the concert and my brain was in no state for diplomatic banter or subordinates requesting orders.

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