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Robin licked her lips as they walked past the sushi food truck, "Pleaseeee, Heav can you buy me one of these!" Heaven looked at her with an unamused look before turning back around, "We're eating dinner somewhere else, how many times do I have to tell you this?" She replied, making Robin act as if she was hurt. "Some friend you are." She joked, slightly shoving the older girl. "Im your only friend, Rob." "Shi I forg-"

The duo had decided to eat at a mcdonalds instead. "You know, I was gonna make a reservation for some fancy mexican place, but this is much better!" Heaven said, putting her burger wrapper in the trash. Robin didnt answer, as she was too busy eating her fries. They had decided to sit on the curb and eat since Heaven was going to get picked up around 7:30 and it was already 7:00 when they had ordered. A black SUV pulled up and the girl turned around with a look of regret, "You're positive your dad is picking you up?" She said to the girl. "You know my dad is reliable, he'll probably be here in 20." Robin said, getting up to hug Heaven. "I'll see you tomorrow?" She slightly asked, knowing they had to see each other for a recording. "Of course!" The girl cheerfully replied, finally getting into the car.

Robin was walking around a nearby park on her phone. There was a boba place next door so she had decided to get something to drink while she waited for her dad. The girl opened her phone and started to text her dad before she bumped into someone, causing her drink to spill. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She said, looking up at the boy with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Its fine- honestly, I-I don't really care about this shirt.." He slightly stuttered, admiring the girls beautiful features. "It really isnt though. I'll make it up to you; Let me buy you a new shirt or something!" The boy stared at her, slightly shocked and confused. "Its just a shirt honestly!" Robin looked up at him and pulled out her phone, "Give me the name of the Tee and your address. Swear on my dad that i'll buy it." The boy sighed and typed in his address and the name of the shirt in a note and then handed the girl back her phone. 

A horn honk was heard in the distance and she looked at the boy one more time, "Tell your parents your expecting a package, I dont want them thinking im a weirdo or something!" Robin yelled before getting into the car. 

The boy was slightly dazed and watched the car as it drove away.

"what the hell just happened?"


dont feel like putting authors note atp lolzises

good opening chap in my opinion 🤗

wc; 470

𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸 -- m. cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now