Track 2: The Rockstar Devil, Daddy Dearest!

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(Attention. This episode will feature an irregular Battle Royale, with deviation in rules.)
Last time...
Boyfriend: "Yo guys, it's your boy the Boyfriend!"
Delegol: "And I'm his Duel Spirit, Soul Delegol."
Boyfriend: "In case you forgot about last time, allow me to enlighten you of the previous stuff!"
(Girlfriend: "(In awe) ...A Microphone Duel Disk. Now you can play Duel Monsters... that's how you do it."
'Even though Daddy Dearest might be coming to the auditorium any moment... but I hope this Duel can be as fast as possible.'
Agapoias: "If you are going to give him a tutorial duel, I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough. Would you like to provoke him with a lie?"
"How about this, we'll have a wager for this duel, if I win I ditch you, if you win you get to play Duel Monsters and bond with your new Duel Spirit, 'kay?")
Boyfriend: "At first my Girlfriend really got me there with a bet that if I lose she will dump me. I first thought that she was taking it seriously..."
(Agapoias: "Ohho, don't tell me Girlfriend, is he going to give up the duel? Your love of your life is pretty a shame~~"
Girlfriend: "Hm... not quite. His life depends on this draw."
Boyfriend made a small, and then a very big laughter. Girlfriend heard him loud and clear, and Agapoias got aroused.
Agapoias: "Hm... did the pressure make him lose his mind?"
Boyfriend: "Hehehehehehe.... (Excitedly) This is pretty awesome, Girlfriend!"
Girlfriend: "Huh?!")
"While I'm cornered into having 50 Life Points, I managed to speak my very voice in English like today, and start up a lively show!"
(Boyfriend: "And now for the grand finale! Starry Soul, attack Girlfriend directly!"
Delegol: "Your wish is my command, Mister Boyfriend. As for you Girlfriend... it has been a great showdown with you."
"This Duel is gonna start my bonding with Mister Boyfriend..."
Boyfriend & Delegol together: "Revolutionary Interstellar Lyrics!"
Boyfriend and Delegol together said, as Delegol released a very powerful energy beam from his microphone, striking Girlfriend, officially ending the duel...
(GIRLFRIEND 450-5900=-5450–>0)
Boyfriend's cards that are already put on the Duel Disk now return to Boyfriend's deck, and the Duel Disk transforms back to its original form as a microphone, and Boyfriend takes it with his hand.
Boyfriend: (Happily) "I have won, my dream now steps closer!"
Boyfriend spun his mic with his hand, which he then strikes his V-sign pose, winking upon his victory. The buzzer sounded, and a hologram appeared, with its text "BOYFRIEND WINS".)
Boyfriend: "...And in the end I won."
(Boyfriend: (Gleefully) "I'm not just a singer. I'm a rapper..."
"And I... really... love her..."
Boyfriend's speech slowed and weakened down so quickly, as Boyfriend's stamina, somehow depleted quickly, to the point that he fell over to the side by exhaustion, only for Delegol to catch him from falling, his hands at the back of Boyfriend's head, with Boyfriend now having a peaceful smile on his face, entered sleep.)
"...Although I passed out just by using up my energy to create a new system for the game."
"Oh boy, it's time to get even funkier than before. Heh, makes sense to not just be the funkiest rapper, but to be the funkiest Duelist ever."

Originally by: Kazuki Takahashi (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Newgrounds|Cameron Taylor|David Brown|Isaac Garcia|evilsk8r (FNF)

Moses C. Presents...

United States, America, 202X. Day 1 7:15 AM.

Silhouettes of 3 people could be seen stealthily sneaking through the auditorium, without people noticing that all. Part of the sun comes out to start bringing out the light of the day, from the horizon. Inside the auditorium from the previous chapter... slept both Delegol and Boyfriend, lying down right on the ground of the stage, with him having one of his arms spread, just underneath Boyfriend. Boyfriend had passed out earlier from spending up his energy on creating a new Summoning method. It is now 7:15 AM, and the majority of the people aren't up and at it yet.

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