Chapter 4: Newbie at Work

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Jamz POV

The humans have been talking about this day for a while, apparently the boss approved of someone coming to work here. I was at the main door fighting of the Protogen so they could at least live a day in this hellhole. Drift was helping me out, though there weren't many. Once the door opened, I rushed the new guy inside and slammed the door shut. Every time that door opens, it's like war to get out. "Welcome to the facility," I said with a sigh, standing up from leaning on the door. "My name's Jamz, I'll be accompanying you to the human's quarters!" I smiled before calling Drift over. "You good at running?" The guy just nodded, very unsure of why I would ask that. "Good, keep up if you want to live." I grabbed Drift and ran down the long hall. The new guy was surprisingly able to keep up.

We soon make it to the human's quarters where he is skeptical of the barrier. "It doesn't hurt," I reassured him. I stepped inside, him hesitantly following. Peter notices and walks over from the crafting area. "Welcome! You must be Alex!" He said with a smile. I left those two be, placing Drift on the floor.

It's been a while, and the new guy—Alex— was learning about everything. He was soon met by the unexpected sound of Alper's hunting. He never uses it to hunt, just to run faster. You can imagine the face on this guy when Alper comes sliding in with a bag of food. "I got what you asked for Peter," Alper said, handing Peter the food. "Thank you Alper," Peter laughed out. "Oh, Alek, these are our alliances Gootrax. This one here is Alper the Nightcrawler." Alper took off his goggles to examine this human better. "They seem alright." Alper then walked over to me. "The other gootrax is Jamz the Jammer, that small white pup is Drift the Ghostpup." Peter just rambled on about us.

"Have fun?" I asked Alper as he sat next to me on some crates. Alper just gave me a denying growl. "Well, hopefully things get better for you." Jamz placed a hand on Alper's shoulder. "Don't patronize me," he muttered before leaning back. "Fine fine."

"Just tell him!" Corinna fangirled. "It's better to be temporarily awkward than to be in pain forever." She was right, it is better that way. I just wanted Alper to make the first move so it wasn't as bad on me.

With Alper...

"No," he said. "Just tell him and get it over with!" Peter told Alper off. "For the last time no. If Jamz really liked me, he would tell me."

Back to Jamz...

"Why are you pressuring him to tell that other goo-thingy something?" Alex asked Corinna. "Oh, Jamz here is MADLY in love with Alper," Corinna began. "Everyone knows they like each other, but they're too oblivious to catch the hints." "I am not oblivious." I just gave Corinna the "look." "I really think you should go for it Jamz!" Jamz shifted his attention to Alex. "C'mon man, not you too!" Alex just shrugged with a cheeky smile.

The next day arrived quicker than water falling. Everyone woke up to one message over the speakers. "UNABLE TO INITIATE POWER OUTAGE MODE, PLEASE STAND BY." Shit. What caused the outage this time? Me and Alper grabbed our accessories and put them on, rushing to the main area. Panther was ambushing most of the humans, leaving them on the brink of death. "Jamz?" Alper said softly. I didn't respond, I was frozen in disbelief. Drift was being thrown around like a rag doll. I lost it. I jumped from the railing I was on and snatched Drift from Sinnox. I sat on the ground, looking at him. His mask was... gone.

"There's one thing you should know about a Slime Pup's mask, Jamz," my mother said. I was holding a small pup. "If it's falls off, or breaks, the pup dies..."

One tear fell from my eyes and onto Drift. I stood back up with the small, lifeless pup. I held him up to my nose before he disappeared. It was like the fighting had stopped, all eyes were on me. One more thing you should know, if one gootrax of any bonded pair goes haywire, the other does too. I turned and walked up to Sinnox, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You killed him," I muttered, gripping Sinnox's shoulder harder. My glow changed from blue to a rainbow as a microphone appeared in my hand. I bashed Sinnox's face in with the microphone before snapping his neck. "YOU KILLED MY PUP, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" Everyone was taken aback by my retaliation. Everyone but Alper. He had jumped from the railing behind the one entity he saw first. Alex. Fright struck Alex so badly, his flight senses kicked in and he ran. He was surprisingly faster than Alper.

Alex POV

'Oh shit oh fuck, where do I go?!' I thought to myself.  Me thinking and not looking ended up in a dead end.  There was no sign of Alper, so I suppose that's good. I backed up to one of the cafeteria walls and slid down it, able to catch my breath. Or so I thought. I was grabbed unexpectedly by a gootrax. Wait, not one, two? One looked like Jamz, but I could feel this wasn't the Jamz I knew.

Alper POV

I had decided to stalk this kid, like a lion stalking it's prey. Just when I saw a Nightshade and a Jammer attack him, I snapped out of the chaotic state I was in. Just when I managed to break out, Alex had already began the transfur process. "You two hey lost!" I shouted. Alex looked at me in fear. The two gootrax ran off as I knelt down to Alex. "Just stay calm, everything will end soon." I felt really bad for this guy, it was only his second day and he had been caught in this mess. This is why I told the head boss to not hire anyone for a while. He just continued to freak out while the fur creeped up his body. Just as i was about to take better action, the lights were restored. Gootrax ran back to hiding. Alex had been transfurred when I looked back, but what gootrax was this? It's one I've never seen before. I picked up the unconscious goo and carried it back to the barrier. "Jamz," I called out. I got no response from the ball of fur in the corner. I then saw Peter walk by. "Peter, get me a vial would'ya?" Peter looked at me then at the gootrax I had. "Who is that?" Peter asked, handing me a vial. "This is Alex, he got transfurred last night." I drew a small amount of blood from Alex and handed it to Peter to put in the wall. I waited a minute before walking in and placing the goo on the medical bed that was open. Many medical people ran around helping the injured. "Corinna, help Alex when he wakes." Corinna looked at me and nodded. She didn't even question why he was transfurred. I walked over to Jamz. "Hey." I sat next to him. He looked at me with his dilated, tear-filled eyes before returning to his corner. I'm no guy for hugs, but fuck I can't stand him like this. It hurt me. I pulled Jamz closer to me, close enough I could hug him. His ears moved up a bit in shock. We sat there for a minute before he spoke. "Alper..?" He said quietly. I flicked my tail to let him know I was listening. "Why did Sinnox do it? Why did he have to kill Drift?" His voice breaking after each word was heartbreaking. "If I had to say, it was— I quote— 'payback' for his pup. I know you didn't kill her though, and I promise to help out in any way to make you forget it happened." I could feel his body shake a bit, but not in a bad way. It was like he was laughing. I looked at his face to see a smile. "Since when did you get good with words?" I smiled back at him. "Since someone became a mess. Cmon, I'll help you clean up a bit." I helped him up as we walked to our room.

After helping him clean his fur up and whatnot, we walked back down. Alex had woken up and was—surprisingly—amazed by his form. "Lookin good Alex!" Peter hyped. "What the hell kind of goo am I looking at?!" Jamz exclaimed. "I've taken the liberty of calling this form The NightViber," Al- I mean, NightViber said proudly. "Well then NightViber," I said, stepping forward. I held my hand out. "Welcome to the team." He shook my hand as we celebrated another victorious blackout in the facility.


Hey everyone, Lucian here! I wanted to take a moment to give credit to the owner of this amazing goo oc! NightViber was created by the amazing @VipShade ! Pictures are provided below, but I suggest you all go follow the amazing creator! More is SOON TO COME! LOVE YOU ALL!

Hey everyone, Lucian here! I wanted to take a moment to give credit to the owner of this amazing goo oc! NightViber was created by the amazing @VipShade ! Pictures are provided below, but I suggest you all go follow the amazing creator! More is SO...

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(All credits for NightViber and the entire character go to VipShade (as well as the art above, they're an amazing artist!), I own nothing but the permission to write about the character <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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