Season 1:Star Hope Academy

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Chapter 3:Sports Mess and match
Luna has been sulking ever since the morning and the others are worried about her.They are in the sport lesson,listening to the teacher's instruction,during that time,the others talked to Luna

David:What's wrong,dear?
Felix:U look like having a Storm run over u(๑•ี_เ•ี๑)
Alice:That's doesn't make sense
Felix:That's make sense to me!
Felix:Chris!Back me up,bro!
Chris:Just what this have me to do?!
Teacher:Those two!Quiet down!
David:Anyway,Just what happened,Luna?U can talk to us
Luna:I just doesn't want anything to do with this lesson.
Sango:Huh?I thought u like PE lesson?
David:It's because of the combination between our class and the upperman class and the lower classmates?
Luna:Of course,what do u think it is?
Spike:U don't like having lessons with me,sis?
Luna:It's not like that,Spike,I enjoy spending time with u but they are here and I don't like it(•̀へ •́ ╮ )
Chris:Yeah,the 'Protectors' are in this lesson,so this is very uncomfortable for us
Luna:That's what I'm talking about!It's very unpleasant(`⌒´メ)
Felix:Relax,Leader.If they have anything to do with u,we'll kill them.However,u do recall that we have let a group of students to be not allowed going back to school,right?
Luna:What is it?
Sango:Well,turns out some of them are in this class with us,especially the one with the bald part
Felix:Oof..That's too savage,www
Spike:U don't need to specific say about the bald part
Chris:Sango!Ur my queen making this day more pleasant for us!
Sango:U welcome (σ°∀°)σ..:*☆
David:Luna,calm down-Watch out!!!
*A ball throw to Luna very hardly,but Luna catch it easily*
Luna:Huh?I just feel a scratch from a mosquito or something ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭
Sango:Bro!Emotional damage!
David:Don't encourage her,u idiots...
Ben:Huh,look.Is the loser team who are the freaks!
Alice:OH,like ur hair?Hm?
Felix:OHHH!!!GET BURN!!!!U RATS!!!
Ben:U RATS.......!
Viki:Ha!Then u'll fight us to prove yourself?!
Hailey:Then show it
Chris:OH yeah?
Luna:If that's what u want......,Yo teach,We'll play basketball 5 vs 5,right here,right now!o(`ω´*)o
Teacher:Ha!What?!U little runts!!What the stars are u thinking?!
Felix:What?We can't hear u clearly,teach!
Sango:U said it is okay?
Chris:Oh!Teach said it's okay,Lead get the ball,start the match!
Luna:Hell Ya!!
David:What did I sign up for?
Sango:Deal with it,Mum,u stuck with us!
Spike:Calm down,David
Alice:I feel u,David]

Around them are the students from their class and some seniors from the upperman class and the lower classmates from the lower grade,all are here to see the match,probably also betting on which team is going to win

[???:All right!Put ur bets here and vote for the team that u think will win!!
???:I think I'm going to bet on the 'tormentors'!
???:I think 'Destroyers' are having a much bigger chance since Ben is the basketball team's captain
???:I also think 'Destroyers' have the advantages here
Carzan:What the heck is going on?
*Carzan walks over to the group*
???:Ah!It's the president!
???:We're sorry!We will stop it right away!
Carzan:I don't think the 'Destroyers' are having the advantages here,What the elderly said "Don't judge anything by it's cover"I think I can overlook this if u let me bet and keep this as a secret
???:We'll shall do!!Thank u!!
Michael:OH,It seems our precious underclassmen are having a match of basketball and with this a little bet here,I think I will also put a bet here,I think there is ur little corgi having a match with other pact,I'm going to look at it,do u wanna come?
Carzan:Hmm,I'll think I have a look
Carzan:Shut up,
???:I can't believe the student council members are doing this.....
???:Me neither!They both are betting on 'tormentors',should we do that as well?
???:I keeping my decision here!
Jason:Hm,where are u guys going?
Michael:We're going to see the match of the underclassmen playing basketball,wanna come?
Jason:Seems the teach isn't trying to stop at all,so yeah]

Tormenters' Life Book 1:Star Hope Academy Where stories live. Discover now