Season 1:Star Hope Academy

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Chapter 21:The true night fall,Luna's release!(Part 2)
Just as the group decides to leave the tunnel,Luna is suddenly being grabbed,when she looks back,she see Noire in her bloody form

[Noire:Where are u going,Luna?Don't u wanna stay with me?
Luna:Why would that be?
Noire:U and "us" are the same type out of the bunch,we are the unusuals of the bunch,people don't understand us.I know this will be a lot of pain but pls stay with me,stay with us!
Spike:Leave sis alone!!*Spread salt at Noire*
Chris:Lead!!*Pull Luna to his side*
Chris:I think that the cue for us to run away from this hell hole!!Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛
Luna:Run now!What the...]

Aside Noire,the master of the tunnel has finally show up,appearing behind Noire and holding up its axe.The next thing is that Noire has been cut into half by the ghost and the last thing Noire says before she got eaten by the ghost

[Noire:I thought u say that I'll be free if I bring more humans to here....Why...?]

The ghost immediately eat Noire up and it looks at Luna them,pointing at them

[Luna:!Hurry up and run!!NOW!
Spike:Well then,take this!]

Spike shots a fire ball into the water and immediately smokes appears,this makes the group have more time to escape,Luna contact the rest of the 'tormentors' to be prepared

[Luna:Guys,how's outside?
Alice:Everything is set,nows it's up to u guys
Sango:Guys hurry up!!
Felix:I'm scared!!!!!(@[]@!!)
David:Will u just shut up?!We don't want to wake the villagers up!!
Alice:Anyway,how long will u get out?
Luna:Very soon!Be prepared to get the child!*Looks back*Holy shit!
Chris:Now it's not the time for correction!!We have a ghost hunting us down!!!
Spike:Chris!!Behind u!!!]

The ghost suddenly sprints to Chris and hold it's fingers at the child.At the close call,Luna kick the ghost away, the child then spread salt at the ghost,trying to weaken it

[Luna:Don't stop!!Keep running!!
Chris:I see the exit!!
Spike:Hurry up!
Alice:I see u guys!Hurry!
Chris:Come on!!Ah!]

Suddenly Chris is caught by the ghost they see before saving the child,it smiling like it found a floatie

[???:I finally got u!!U are going to go hell!!
Child:Eh!*Spread the salt at the ghost*
Luna:We're almost there!!Keep running!!
Felix:Chris!!Throw the kid to me!!
David:Are u crazy?!
Spike:I have no idea what the heck they are doing
Luna:Neither me
Sango:Now u guys can easily fight that big guy!!
Chris:I'm out of the exit!!!!U two Hurry up!!!
Spike:Sis,grab my hand!!
Luna:Ka-*being pull back*

Just as the ghost grabs Luna,she takes one of the Keychain out of her bag and summons her soul,"Joker"."Joker" bites the hand of the ghost,making it loose the grip on Luna,she jumpes out of the tunnel and calls "Joker" back

[Alice:Luna!Are u ok?!
David:Ur not hurt or anything,right?!Dear?!
Luna:Calm down,David and I'm fine,thanks to "Joker"
Spike:*Hugs her*I thought u are going to.....
Luna:*Hugs back*It's ok now,there's nothing to worry,leave everything else to sis...
Felix:Holy shit!!!That's a sheirk!!]

The ghost finally comes out of its territory,holding a soul's remains,it screams angrily at the 'tormentors',Alice put the child into the barrier they have prepared and ready to fight the ghost along with Luna,however

[Luna:What are u guys doing here?Get back into the barrier
David:What do u mean by that,young lady?!This is not the time for u to become a hero!
Spike:Sis,come back,we can find another way to-
Luna:Just trust me,ok?I can deal this,u guys are the last resort of this rescue mission,kay?
Spike:Just do what she says
Spike:It's going to be fine,plus,she seems to have some tricks up on her sleeves
David:Fine then,we will protect the child,if things gone bad,we will come out!Guys!Retreat!
*They left*
Luna:That's mum for u.Now then,what should I do with u?
Luna:Oh my stars,u shouldn't be screaming like that,it will be a waste for this beautiful night...
*Eyes glows*
Luna:Now then,let the night begin...]

Tormenters' Life Book 1:Star Hope Academy Where stories live. Discover now