Marla singer oneshot

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    "Aw shit!" Marla said, looking at the price of a dress that had caught your eye. Marla had told you this morning she wanted to take you shopping. Key word; you. She wanted to take YOU shopping. She had asked you to shopping for awhile, but you had declined as you didn't Marla to waste her money you. Yet still,

"Oh come on y/n!"

"You deserve it y/n!"

"I feel like a shit dad y/n!"

So finally, you agreed.

Seeing the frustration plastered on Marlas face, you put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Baby you don't have t-" she cut you off, "no y/n, I got it." She said firmly, grabbing the dress. As you two made your way to the checkout, you saw a gold necklace with the word Marla written in cursive.

  You quickly snagged the necklace and hid it in your pocket.

Wait, Marla will see me buy this...
Oh! I know! I'll just figure out a way to distract her!

"Hey Mar-Mar!" You said to her, with a wide smile. She turned to, with a curious face, questioning your over enthusiasm. "What?"

You grinned your usual stupid grin, "Do you wanna play hide and seek?!" Marla laughed, "right now?" She said with a confused smile, cuping her face. You nodded with a hyper smile. She sighed, still smiling, "y'know, why not"

You smiled wider, "okaynowhurryandcoveryoureyes!!" You said placing her hands on her eyes and spinning her in a circle. "Alrightcounttotwenty!!", and with that, you ran off.

Marla stood there, covering her eyes and counting in the middle of a store, looking like an idiot.

You quickly made your way to a cashier

                *CUE MONTAGE*







Marla is walking around blankly. Her eyes land on you and she smirks. Carefully, painfully, she creeps up behind you. "HEY YOU!" She shouts, firmly placing her hand on your shoulder. "AHHH!" you let out a high pitched scream, and then turn to her with an angry face, as she dies of laughter. "That wasn't very funny." You cross your arms.

Marla falls over laughing, pressing her asshole smile into your chest. After a bit more of assholery, Marla gets off you and sees your fed up expression.

"Y/n.." she sighs. You look away from her. "Babyyy" she whines, louder. You turn your head farther from her. She snakes her arms around you, her head Is resting on your shoulder, nuzzling in the crook of your neck. You can feel her hot breath on your neck. "Y/n.." she says again, lower this time. "What?" You say in a whiney voice.

"I love you"

"For realsies?"


You grin, "well," you sigh "I suppose your forgiven.." she nuzzles deeper into your neck. "Mmm..good"

"Now! Let's go get you that dress!" She pulls herself off of you and starts walking again.

*timeskip cuz I'm lazy :)*

You twirl around, showing off the dress. Marla sits on the couch in front of you, a proud smile plastered on her face. She gets off the couch and makes her way towards you. Her deep brown pools stare into yours. You could drown yourself in her eyes and die the happiest you've ever been.

"You look beautiful, hun" she said, with a small cheeky grin. You feel her arms tangle around your waist. " very glad I bought you this y/n"

Her hand starts trailing down, running around the hill of your hip. "It makes you look like a godess.." her hand now has made its way down to your thigh. She traces small circles on your skin, slowly making her way higher up.

Your breath hitches as you feel her index finger trace the top your underwear. Making her way lower and lower..

"Oh! I have something for you!" You say breaking away from her and walking to your jacket. Marla, snaping out of her haze, slowly follows behind you. You pull put the necklace with a wide smile.

Marlas eyes light up and a smile creeps its way on to her face. She looks at the necklace and tears prick in her eyes

"For me?"

You smile fades a bit at how surprised she is that you got her something. "Of course, baby!" You say back. Before you can even hand it to her, she flings her slender arms around you, giving you quite possibly the tightest hug you've ever had.

"I'll treasure it forever"


𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now