To second chances

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The dialogue isn't gonna be accurate to the book, partly because my book is in german and partly because I like taking my creative liberties with these sort of things anyway.
Just imagine there's no Sophie in that scene because I felt like this would work better if I didn't include her. This is basically me still not being over Lesso's death, years after having read the book and writing this scene the way I wish it would've been. 


Clarissa hadn't noticed the wound at first. She had seen Aric attack his mother and the knife that was dangerously close to piercing her stomach and she had rushed to save her.
A few years ago it would have sounded ridiculous to her, an ever saving a never but now, after all that had happened, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. The good dean would have startled at the ease with which she thrust the stymph bone into the boy's body if she had been able to think about anything else than getting to her evil counterpart in time but in that moment, the only thing that mattered was protecting her friend.

Now she was kneeling at Lesso's side, not caring about the state of her dress or the blood and dirt on her skin. She was solely focused on the women on the ground in front of her. But she hadn't noticed yet that she was too late and when the other dean lifted her hands from her stomach and they came back red and wet, Clarissa let out a cry of despair.

She gently lifted the taller woman into her lap and cradled her tenderly in her arms. A weak cough came from the redhead and with it came more blood. Shaking hands reached up to the blonde's cheeks, wiping away the tears that were falling. "Hey, don't cry now, one could almost think you'll miss me.'', Lesso's raspy voice said teasingly. Clarissa's agitatedly shot back "Stop talking and don't say things like that, idiot! You're not going to die." But it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. "Sure, whatever you say, princess.", the evil dean replied before she had another coughing fit.

Feeling her strength fading, she took the other woman's hands in hers and looked at her softly, "promise me that you'll take care of the students when I'm not here anymore". Noises of protest sounded from above but she kept talking, "and see to it that Hort doesn't do anything stupid." She let out a quick chuckle but regretted it when she winced in pain. In a more serious voice she added "I'll miss you, Clarissa, even though you make playing chess thoroughly unenjoyable. You evers and your stupid luck. It was fun though, I'd like to do it again someday." "And you will.", Clarissa said, in tears again. "Don't you dare die now, Lesso!"
"Leonora", came a quiet objection. "What?", the blonde asked confused. "My name is Leonora.", she replied and with her last bit of strength, she squeezed the good dean's hands one last time before her eyes closed and the strained breathing stopped for good.

Clarissa screamed and she cried for this woman who was not only her college and friend but also someone she had loved dearly for years, yet she never had the courage to defy the rules of their world and confess what would be seen as a great sin by most. And Lesso, no, Leonora being the traditional woman she was...
There was no hope for them and now she would never get to tell her, even if she wanted to.

She scooped the lifeless body up in her arms and hugged it tight, like she never wanted to let go. ,,Don't leave me, I can't lose you.", she sobbed against the other woman's neck. But there was no answer, no heartbeat. This was it, the end of their story, before it had even really begun. The yellow clad woman looked down at her friends pale, cold face and she realised that she would never have what she had dreamed of, would never stand beside her, united in love. Wether she wanted to or not, she would have to let go. "Goodbye, my love.", Clarissa whispered and she lowered her head to place a kiss on Leonora's cold lips.

She kissed gently, nevertheless it was a kiss full of emotion and the hope she had felt over the years. Hope for comfort and friendship and love and she didn't stop kissing her until she ran out of breath and all she could do was cry and keep clinging to this shell of the person she loved, no longer filled with life but dead and limp in her arms.
Suddenly she felt movement beneath her. She opened her eyes that she had shut, not wanting to accept the reality of the situation and she almost screamed again.

Tired, confused eyes looked up at her. Clarissa could not believe what she saw and she couldn't get a word out. "Cat got your tongue?", Lesso asked. "You're alive.", the blonde answered. "Thank you for stating the obvious, princess. I thought you'd have a little more to say about me literally coming back from the dead. By the way, why am I alive?", the evil dean said and with a rise of her eyebrows she noticed blush on her friend's face. Oh. "Oh.", she deadpanned and she felt heat rising in her own cheeks.
"You woke me with-" "true love's kiss.", Clarissa stated nervously. Leonora smirked "My, my, do you like me, princess?". Noticing the other woman's nervousness, she cupped her face with her hands. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this, little dove", she said and pulled the good dean down to her. She looked in her eyes for a moment, looking for a sign of resistance. "Kiss me.", Clarissa breathed. This was all Lesso needed. She closed the distance between them and nothing had ever felt so right. What had been separated finally reunited, what was once repulsive became pleasant and everything was as it was meant to be.

"You're quite eager, aren't you?", Lesso teased when Clarissa placed kiss upon kiss on her lips. ,,Excuse me but I think you dying in my arms does justify such behaviour. It's just, seeing you get hurt... never do that again!", the blonde replied before she kept kissing her true love. Clarissa smiled against the redhead's lips. Her true love. That thought warmed her heart. They had been given a second chance. Maybe she could have it all.


How are we holding up, dovesso nation? This oneshot had a happy ending, the next one might not, so beware.

(Seriously tho, why does almost everyone write angsty stuff for these two. Like... don't they deserve happiness? (I say while knowing full well that there's another angsty draft sitting in my notes))

Anyways, I'm sorry for any mistakes I made. Feel free to correct me on that end or (constructively) criticize my writing
Have a wonderful day💜💜💜

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