(20) Faun's back

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The recording is played.

Little Jeffrey was roaming inside the Fish pack trying to figure out what to do as the Nektons gradually drowned. He managed to call up a few fishes to help and pushed Ant to the shore.

William and Kaiko are taken up with Nereus by the Dark Orca. But Fontaine, she was drowning and had hit a rock, her breather had broke.

She was unconscious lying on the sea bed. With the help of few more fishes Jeffrey managed to get her on the coast but literally on the opposite side that is Fontaine landed on the Malabar Coast meanwhile Ant was on the Konkan coast.

Jeffery had nowhere to go. Thus, he stayed with Fontaine. He just went inside the fish pack which was also with Fontaine.

Fontaine's communicator had the following recording,

" Ant who ever who did this is a bastard! He will die with my own hands! Arronax is drowning and I can't just lift it up.

Ant, you here! Mom and dad are unconscious. My oxygen level is going down! Ant are you even listening? Mom, dad, Nereus anyone here?"

Then Nereus's voice came in, "Fontaine, Nereus here. I think I won't lost long, neither will all of us but it's some land related shit going. Everything is planned. WOA will drag the Arriba soon, and we will be declared dead. we are dead"

"Where are you people?"

"The Dark Orca" and the recording came to an end

What was left was the family being puzzled and not knowing what to do but Fontaine was grateful to Jeffrey and his Presence of Mind.


"What does sofia have? I mean what made you even like her? And to the exact get heartbroken?"

"It's just she has that innocent yet beautiful smile, and that decent yet cute, you know attractive personality. I mean she's darn cute!" He sighed and continued, "You never asked what I liked or LIKE about you?"

"As if I am interested in that shit" and he giggles. He's cute, darn cute.


I don't know why suddenly I had this urge to look cute, decent but hot and beautiful, you know like men magnet girls. Honestly, I have never felt so girly!

And hold your horses, I am not Fucking jealous! Get that!


The car arrives to pick us for the party at Kashyap "bhool bhulaiya" (Maze) as the sisters call it. Its priya's birthday and she's been an awesome friend and so I bought her The danglers, lipstick and perfume I use, She wanted them since ages. Also, I am giving her a pen, a pen made of elephant's tusk. I stole it when I was 15 from another pirate group at the black market.

I didn't tell Ant about it. You know 'nekton drama' and 'Save animals thingy'. So, yaa, I didn't want preachings by 'the great saint, Antaeus Nekton'.


I got off and made my way in. everybody was looking at me as priya hugged me.

She said something, "mujhe laga too ni aayegi! Mar daala tha"

I just looked at her blankly, Ok , I didn't understood a bit. She giggled, "I thought you wouldn't come! You got me dead! Got it now!" I nodded. Finn and Fontaine were together laughing, they didn't realize I was there. I gave her the gift, "Open It When Your Alone!! Atleast not in front of the nektons!"

"got it"


I had to pee urgently, so I went to the toilet. When I came out I overhead Mr Kashyap talking about something, basically scolding someone. He took the plate from the servant's hands and went near the staircase.

He pushed aside a painting and pulled the secret door and closed it behind him. I being a pirate, rushed back to the car and took out the device which Madeline used to break the Nekton's safe.

If it can break that, it surely can break this too.

I waited patiently for Mr. Kashyap to come out. As soon as, he was out of site, I unlocked the door and went in.

After a few minutes of exploring and walking. I heard weird crying as if chanting a prayer. I don't know.

It sounded as if someone was singing yet crying at the same time.

I tried my best took to keep calm and to not get scared. I followed the voice and went to a room, a girl tied to a chain. she's looking miserable, worse than a beggar. I heard someone's foot steps.

Thus I fled from there.

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