A deep dive test run

505 10 3

(This chapter is in between season 1 episode 2 and episode 3)

The Nektons and the (L/n)'s were life long friend's, but one time the William Nekton left a very old book with the (L/n)'s for safe keeping, the book was written in the Lemurian language. It held secrets that no one could read except for (Y/n) apparently, he was able to read the language not speak it so, when he first read the book at the age of 13 he wanted to translate everything into the modern day language, when read it told about the massive creatures that lived in a timeless slumber for the six thousand years, the Monumentals and even showed symbols that related to them.

The book : 


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With the Nektons 3rd POV

After their encounter with the Dark Orca the Nektons got call from Professor Fiction telling them that he has something to show them back at their base. When Keiko was deciding the best route to return to their base, she realized their was another stop along their route back, 'Poseidon's Tomb' the research facility.

Keiko : "Hey guys how about we make a stop along the way."

Will : "Sure what stop did you have in mind."

Keiko : "How about... Poseidon's Tomb."

Ant : "Wait! You mean super cool research facility, where Fontaine's boyfriend lives."

Fontaine : *blushing* "Ant!! Can stop teasing me about that."

Will : "Well he is your boyfriend Fontaine and beside we haven't seen them in the past four months and beside it could be good to see them again and see what they are working on as well. That also reminds me I left a book with them as well for safe keeping."

Ant : "Really how long ago did you leave it there."

Will : "Well I left it there 5 years ago."

Keiko : "Well it may be a good idea to go get it."

Will : "Agreed, will go get and continue our journey back to out base."

Fontaine : "Well it may be a good thing to see (Y/n) again, it has been a while."

Keiko : "Ok setting a course for Poseidon's Tomb, but it will take two days to get there."


Time-Skip 2 days 3rd POV

 Keiko : "Alright everyone we've arrived."

They all walk to the window and lookout side to see the giant research facility.

They all walk to the window and lookout side to see the giant research facility

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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