The Job of a Big Brother

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Inspired by Turtle_B01'S Fic "I'm Not Your Second Choice." This is merely a side bit of Leo being there for his younger brother and watching him move on from heartache

Read Second Choice first:
Leo was meditating and Mikey was hanging out with Donnie in his lab. The two youngest were in a mischievous mood and we're currently blowing things up with mini explosives in the lab. Donnie had assured Splinter and Leo it was relatively harmless. Mikey also used his puppy dog eyes and after Splinter granted permission, the orange coded turtle cheerfully hollered out, "Booyakasha!!!" and ran off with Donnie.

Leo was deeply focused, long having tuned out the explosions, when a different type of explosion startled him. The one of his hot-tempered younger brother. Anything in Raph's nearby range was thrown to the ground or kicked. The turnstiles spun angrily when he marched through them. The eldest was a bit surprised at his early arrival. Usually hanging out on patrol with Casey meant having to look for the red banded turtle when it got close to dawn. The second thing that surprised Leo most is how angry Raph was. Usually patrolling with Casey satiated his temper, even if there weren't any bad guys to beat up. Leo stood up as Donnie and Mikey opened the lab doors. Donnie was about to say something, but Leo waved him off and the two had a silent conversation before Donnie quietly pulled Mikey into the lab and shut the doors again.

Raph felt stupid. So, so stupid. He couldn't believe he spilled his feelings to Casey. Of course he was gonna be rejected. The way Casey would not shut the fuck up about April, that much was clear. But it fucking hurt to have your crush gushing over his crush. Angry tears were welling in his eyes again and he pushed something over in frustration and looked around for something else to take his anger out on. That's when he noticed Leo carefully approaching him like he was a spooked animal. Well... Raph guessed he did look kind of feral in this state, but he didn't feel like aiming a punch at Leo. So he just snapped at him.


Leo locked eyes with his immediate younger brother and noticed tears had begun to pool in them and they widened with surprise. He decided to speak with a gentle firmness

"Little brother, what happened on patrol?"

Raph felt like he was going to lose it and he did not want his little brothers coming out to find them, so he made a gesture toward the direction of their rooms. Thank god for Leo being so in tune with him and he quickly led the way to his room and ushered him in. As usual, Leo's room was clean as ever, the bed immaculately made, sheets smooth. It oddly brought Raph comfort. Maybe there was something to cleaning one's room. Leo sat down on his bed and patted a spot next to him. Raph let out a strangled sob and quickly strode over before he began to weep bitterly.

Leo was taken aback, but quickly pulled his brother into him, gently stroking his carapace and putting his chin on top of his head, while Raph tucked into his older brother's embrace. Leo took it upon himself to at least be semi aware of what was going on his little brothers' lives. So he knew all too well why Raph was in tears. Either Raph confessed his feelings to Casey or Casey had found out. Leo guessed the former. While he was friends with the hockey player, that didn't stop Leo from thinking "Jeez, he's dense."

Raph for his part was relieved that he could tell his brother knew by not saying anything. Part of him was surprised and annoyed that Leo knew. He was always meddling in their business and was so perceptive, it was annoying as fuck. But this time he was grateful for it. His tears wound down, but still didn't leave Leo's embrace. His big brother hummed quietly... an old Japanese lullaby Splinter used to sing to them, if he heard right. He finally managed to rasp out,

"He wouldn't stop talking about her. And I couldn't take it."

Leo tightened his hold on him, rolling his eyes at Casey's actions.

"How did he react?" Leo asked softly, but there was another question beneath the innocently asked one. His big brother instincts kicking in, ten fold, wondering if he needed to kick Casey's ass, friendship be damned. Raph kicked him lightly, making a clicking noise in his throat.

"He said he just wanted to be friends and that he didn't even know."

Leo held his tongue and Raph continued to talk about what happened between him and Casey, tears starting again.

"Aniki, it hurts," Raph buried his head in Leo's neck, breath shaky and coming out in hitches. Leo cooed softly to him.

"I know, little brother. And I'm sorry I can't make it go away. But I'll be there for you as best I can," he promises, holding Raph tight. Raph hugs just as tightly back, for once not feeling ashamed of showing other feelings and being more himself when he let his walls down.


It isn't until several months later that Leo nearly does kick Casey's ass for being an idiot. Leo is slightly surprised, but happy, when April and Donnie get together. His genius brother is over the moon as he and April share with the rest of the brothers and Casey. Casey has a heartbroken look on his face, but seems to shake it off. Mikey grabs Leo's hand and covers his own eyes when Donnie and April kiss. Leo smirks at the action.

It's a good night to celebrate and while he expects some heartbreak, Leo is surprised when Raph stumbles into his room in tears and goes to comfort his brother. Of course that comfort turns to anger when he learns that shortly after the news, Casey confessed to Raph that he wanted to be more than friends with him. Raph had angrily replied that he wasn't going to be Casey's "second choice," before stomping off, tears gathering again as Casey tried to call him back. Raph was mostly over Casey by now, but still, that offer had stung. Leo started to get up and go find Casey, but a plea of "Aniki," from Raph had him sitting back down and blowing out a breath before being there for Raph instead of beating Casey up.


He is skeptical of Mona Lisa at first, considering they were enemies, but warms up to her eventually. Even though he was angry at the time, it was nice hearing Raph gush about her strength and fighting skills.

"What a woman!" Raph tells Mikey when Mikey comments how much better Mona Lisa is at fighting and strength than Raph. Next to him, Casey is scowling. Jealous, Leo realizes as he takes note of Casey's face out of his periphery. Later as they trek through the snow, he hears Casey laugh at Raph's question if romance can happen between an alien lizard and mutant turtle. Leo has half a mind to shove Casey in the snow, but they have other goals.

As he watches his little brother go through ups and downs with Y'gthba, he can't help but be proud of him and happy for him. Y'gthba talks with him once, subtly seeking him out for permission. Leo of course grants this, just with a caution to not betray them like she once did—even if Leo understands why. It hurt to see Raph have the fight taken out of him like that. She promises on this, and then leaves to find him. Leo watches the two, smiling softly that his younger brother finally found someone who can break down his walls and love him the way he is.
Apologies for the ending. Idk how to make decent endings. Hope you enjoyed! And thanks again to Turtle_B01!

Edit note: oops, "onii-chan" is "older brother." I couldn't find anything in Japanese that referred to the younger. There is "otouto," but that's if you're talking about your younger brother rather than addressing him. There's also "kyoudai," but that didn't feel as endearing, so English it is. I don't want to mess up a language I'm not all that familiar with. Thank you for the corrections.

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