Part 7

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You remember you had to sleep with Colby you didn't know if you were ready you whispered into kats ear don't be to loud you laugh and go to the bed with Colby in it you go on your phone and scroll on TikTok you turn your phone off and lay next to Colby hey y/n I was wondering if we could maybe go on a date tomorrow yea sure what time 2:20 kk your ember you have to shoot your music video for nonsense that's at ll o'clock
So you should probably fall asleep now and wake up at 8 am make breakfast get ready leave for the hair and makeup and go to the studio you fall Asleep and so does Colby
Skip time 8 am
You wake up and get on the outfit they want you to wear

You remember you had to sleep with Colby you didn't know if you were ready you whispered into kats ear don't be to loud you laugh and go to the bed with Colby in it you go on your phone and scroll on TikTok you turn your phone off and lay next to ...

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Caption:go steam nonsense it will be out at 1 pm

@katrinastart:cant wait
@y/m:i am so nervous

@dixedamlio:we have to see each other again
@y/n:yess we have to

@dovecamron:I been waiting
You finish replying  to all the comments you see that they texted you that you can do your own makeup and hair you text them ok you curl your hair after that you curl your lashes put mascara on and put some blush eyeshadow and lipstick on
You make pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate chips breakfast is done you yell this is what it looks like but on separate plates

Everyone it at the table you give them there food you make coffee for everyone to you sit down and cut you pancakes it gets silent for a while until kat says what are you guys doing today I am probably just going to make vids for YouTube with Colb...

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Everyone it at the table you give them there food you make coffee for everyone to you sit down and cut you pancakes it gets silent for a while until kat says what are you guys doing today I am probably just going to make vids for YouTube with Colby Sam said I am going to film my music video nonsense today you said I probably just hang with Colby and Sam kat said yea what Sam said Colby said Colby winked at me you all finish you breakfast you look at the time oh shit it's 10 49 I have to be there at 11 you get high heels on and walk out the door you start the car and you  get a call from Colby hey oh hi he says we are going to have to cancel the date oh ok why tho it's because I don't think we should be together I think we should only be friends ok I understand I have to let you go bye you hang up and try not to tear up it's ok y/n it wasn't going to work anyways he probably likes someone else you pull into the parking spot you say maybe this song goes out to Colby and cash cause they can't make up there minds you walk inside but get a call it's from Colby ugh you answer yea April fools y/n omg why cause it's April 1st you laugh and say see you later you hang up and talk in your yea the songs only for cash you go in the studio

         Skip Time
When you get out it is already 2 o clock you call Colby hey I might be late for the date but idk so I tell if I am so I see you in 20 minutes you get in the house and change into this

         Skip Time When you get out it is already 2 o clock you call Colby hey I might be late for the date but idk so I tell if I am so I see you in 20 minutes you get in the house and change into this

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That is what you are wearing

Colby Brock ⚠️SMUT⚠️Where stories live. Discover now