Part 37

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Guys ik it's been 4 months but I'm back

We get our food and start eating (skip)
We get in the car and start driving and I ask Colby if I should make a doctor's appointment to see the date of the baby and we both agree I call the doctor hi can I book an appointment for tomorrow "Yes what time" noon "ok what's the name" Y/n Brock " ok" bye I end the call and we pull into my mom's driveway so we can get Luke we get out and knock on the door and my mom answers "hi hunny" hi mom I get Luke Colby says hi "hi Colby" my moms hugs him we say goodbye and leave (skip) we get home and i change Luke and go to bed

I wake up it's 11:00 I go wake up Luke get him dressed put him on the couch turn on paw patrol and go upstairs and see Colby and kiss him on the cheek he smirks so I kiss him on the lips and he smiles and kisses me back I say "babe come on we have an hour to get ready" ok ok Colby said I get dressed we get in the car and we already asked kat to watch Luke so we go to her house and drop Luke off we knock on the door and kat answers and we give her Luke and I hug her and say bye we are 10 mins away from the doctors and it's 11:50 (skip) we get there and we just start talking to the doctor and after a few minutes she says "the date of your baby is December 26" "that's in like a week " you say
Skip the doctor's appointment and me and Colby get in the car and I say "When should we have our gender reveal?" Colby says "Tomorrow" "ok," I say I text the group chat

Y/n: guys the gender reveal is tomorrow

Kat: ok girl but did you find out the date

Y/n: yes December 26

Amber: ok I'll be there

Kat: do we need to bring snacks

Y/n: you can if you want

Kat and Amber tell Cash and Sam and I tell some other friends and family when I go to pick up Luke from my moms I tell her "Hi Mom" I say she says "Hi hunny" I get Luke and tell my Mom
"So the new baby is going to be born on December 26 and the gender reveal is tomorrow"
She hugs me and says "I'll be there" SKIP we get home and I ask Colby If I should post a picture saying the gender and date he says yes

Kat and Amber tell Cash and Sam and I tell some other friends and family when I go to pick up Luke from my moms I tell her "Hi Mom" I say she says "Hi hunny" I get Luke and tell my Mom"So the new baby is going to be born on December 26 and the gen...

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Caption: guys I have 2 surprises the gender reveal is tomorrow and the baby is going to be born on December 26!!

@Samgolbach: I'm so happy for you and Colby
@Y/nbrock: thank you!

@fughhgh: I'm so glad for you to
@y/nbrock: thanks!

@katrinastaurt: I'm so so happy
@y/nbrock: thanks!

Skip the time I put Luke in his crib he is 4 almost 5 I'm starting to think we should update his room
But I still have to ask Colby

Colby Brock ⚠️SMUT⚠️Where stories live. Discover now