The Pause

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The Pause

"I'm so proud of you, Vanessa" Tyger tells me. We're in a cosy restaurant booth and we've just ordered dinner. Tyger has already told me he's paying and he doesn't want to hear any complaints or disagreements.

"Is this why we're out 'celebrating'?" I ask him, mimicking what he'd told me earlier when he was driving us here.

"Yes, because you have just been asked by Mackenzie to be her support at one of her gigs and that is an exceptional opportunity" Tyger tells me and then smirks "You're also one of my music students and if it wasn't for the fact that we're dating then I'd be the best music teacher ever right now"

"I guess you'll just have to take me home then" I tease, before Tyger leans in and presses his lips to mine. "Thank you for taking me out" I tell him and he smiles.

"Not a problem. I should maybe start looking for another job though, considering that if anyone finds out about this then I'm in serious trouble" Tyger sighs and I smile at him reassuringly.

"I'm leaving this year. There's only a few more months left before we're in the all clear and we can date without a problem" I explain "Unless there's some rule that says you're not allowed to date past students"

"There might be" Tyger tells me grimly and I take his hand, squeezing it for comfort. Our food is brought out and we begin to eat. Tyger is picking at his food, barely touching it.

"What's wrong? I thought we were meant to be celebrating" I ask him and he gives me a sad smile. "That's what you said, so be happy"

"I am, Vanessa" He tells me but I don't believe him.

"You don't seem it" I point out and he smiles at me. He reaches for my hand and kisses the back of it. I half-smile, as I can tell something is wrong. "Is it about Trudy?"

"No" He answers too quickly and I pull my hand away from his. He's lying. "I'm not sad about it Vanessa. It's just nostalgia. That part of my life is over and while I'm glad about it and I won't miss it, I'm just reminiscing" Tyger tells me and I smile at him, still unsure.

"You can take me home if you want to be alone, or go see Trudy" I offer and he chuckles. He brushes a piece of my hair out of my face and I smile.

"I don't want to go anywhere Vanessa" He tells me and leans forwards to give me a kiss "Besides, Trudy is currently packing all her things to move out of the house. I believe she's going to be staying with Trevor for a while. I'm glad she's happy"

A waiter brings our food to us and we dig in. Tyger makes jokes to lighten the mood and by the end of our meal my hand is back in his and he's got his arm wrapped around my waist. Tyger grins cheekily at me and places his lips to mine.

"You look so beautiful, did I mention?" He jokes and I roll my eyes playfully at him, snuggling into his side as I do so.

"You might have mentioned it once, or twice, or maybe a million times but a girl can never have too many compliments" I tell him and we giggle, as he presses his lips against mine.

"Vanessa, is that you?" A familiar voice says, and I immediately retract my lips from Tyger's blushing and hoping to God that this is someone that doesn't know Tyger is my teacher.

"Shaz" I comment, relief flooding through me. And then I raise my eyebrow. "And you're with Benjamin. How nice to see you, here, in this romantic restaurant" I comment with a smirk.

Shaz scowls.

"I could easily say the same about you" She tells me and gestures to Tyger. "Who's your friend? Well, he is most definitely not your friend, because you've just been sucking face with him"

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