The Plectrum of Swoon

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The Plectrum of Swoon

I can do this. There’s no way I’m actually standing outside Mr Gallagher’s classroom afraid to go in, and there’s definitely no way that I’ve been standing here for a good give minutes, trying to work up the nerve to knock, never mind actually go in.

I’m being such a chicken.

I take a deep breath, and go to push the door open and go straight in, but my hand recoils in panic and I stop myself. What am I actually doing?

Shaking my head, I sigh. I would have never acted like this when Shaun was here. He would have looked at me exasperatedly and told me to get over myself. I flip my hair, thinking about how Shaun really is not here and has no control over me.

If I want to dither outside the classroom, I will.

Self consciously, I pull my skirt down. I managed to find a pencil skirt of my Mum’s this morning that she didn’t want any more, and it fits very snugly. I have tights on instead of long socks, but I still kept my platform pumps.

I tried a dark burgundy lip like Kimmy suggested (I think it was Kimmy... Or was it Chastity?). I will admit it looks pretty good with my tanned complexion. Nervously, I fiddle with the bottom of my dark hair. Lizzie the guitar, comfy in her case, is on my back and it’s rather heavy. Maybe I should go in, just so I can put my guitar down.

Sighing, I refuse to be pathetic anymore, and I push open the door with great effort and march in. The door swings too far and collides nosily with the wall behind and it crashes indelicately, making me wince. Mr Gallagher (who I now realise is on the phone) scowls at me.

“Yes... I know Trudy... Trudy you don’t need any of, those... Trudy, Trudy you’re not listening to me” Mr Gallagher says sternly, and even though he’s trying to be patient it’s really not working. I fight the urge to smirk at his situation.

He waves his hand at me to sit down, and he shakes his head down the phone. I do as instructed and quietly rest Lizzie against the side of the table. “Trudy I really have to go, okay? No, I won’t” There’s a pause on the phone, and for some reason I’m dying to know what’s being said on the other side. After having met Trudy yesterday, I can see her as the talkative type.

“No Trudy, I’m not buying you any pregnancy tests- you don’t need them. Now if you don’t mind, my student is here and I need to teach. I’ll see you when I’m home” And without another work Mr Gallagher hangs up the phone.

The atmosphere has now shifted from laughable to awkward in a matter of seconds.

I cross my legs, trying to get comfortable in the chair I’m sitting in. Mr Gallagher almost slams his phone down on his desk and I raise my eyes to look at him.

“Hi Vanessa, how are you?” Mr Gallagher asks me, and I pull an awkward dace at him. He sighs. “That’s so unprofessional I know; I’m really sorry you had to hear that. You met Trudy yesterday though, she’s got babies on the brain” He pulls a face, and I chuckle.

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