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Erza POV:
There was a new kid coming to our school so I wanted her to feel welcome. When I was walking I saw Emma and her asshole friends bullying the new kid. I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Oi Emma what the fuck you doing with the new kid." I asked her angrily. "It's none of your business Scarlet." Emma said. Emma pushed me out of the way and made a fist about to hit the new kid. I pushed the new kid away and blocked her punch.

"Stay away from the new kid or I will beat your ass in a parking lot." I said. Emma and her friends ran off and then I turned to the new kid. "Thanks for helping me." The girl behind me said. "Your welcome I'm Erza." I said. "Taylor." The girl said. "Nice to meet you Taylor." I said.

"What's your next class Taylor." I asked. "Math with Sanchez." Taylor said. "Aye me too." I said. Taylor and I walked to class. A few hours later afterschool Taylor and I stayed behind the school. "So you want to get some ice cream." Taylor asked.

"Yeah I would love ice cream." I said. Taylor and I walked to the closet ice cream shop to get ice cream. A few hours later Taylor and I walked back to my house. "It was fun hanging out with you today Tay." I said. "Me too. Give me your phone." Taylor said. I gave Taylor my phone and let her do her thing. "There now you have my number." Taylor said. "Can I put my number in your phone." I asked Taylor.

Taylor handed me her phone and I typed my number in. "Text me when you get home Taylor." I said. "Okay see you tomorrow Erza." Taylor said. I know this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship. I thought to myself.
Okay so you are all probably wondering why I have decided to re write this story. I wanted to re write this story because it's fun to write and I want to put more songs. That is the reason so hope you guys like this story

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