First day PT.2

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Hay bbg😘😘

Still Tubbo's pov:

We get to school and get off the bus the school's huge, there's four stories and tons of windows But looks fucked up, as if a group of crack heads live there. Its disgusting We walk into the building

"Uhm Tommy i have a question" I say
"What it's it?" He says "Where's the principals office?" I ask "oh... We'll show you, but just so you know she is a complete bitch." He says quietly.

"Come on Ranboo we gotta show him where the principal office is" Tommy says "Ugh, I hate her. alright then let's go" Ranboo says in an annoyed tone

Ranboo then grabs me by the wrist and pulls me towards a long hallway, Tommy following behind. We reach a door and Ranboo knocks on it letting go of me.

The door opens to a skinny old woman, wearing a light blue dress that goes down to her ankles. "Hello ma'am" I say kindly "what do you want" she says sounding incredibly rude.

"Well, first don't talk to me with an attitude, it's annoying, and i would like to have my schedule. My name is Tubbo, Tubbo Underscore." I say

The principal listens she walks to her desk and takes out a file, and walks back over to us "Here you go" she says a bit nicer then before, i smile at her grabbing the file from her. Grabbing Tommy's and Ranboo's sleeves and walk away.

"WHAT HOW DID THAT WORK!?" Tommy shouts "I don't know" I say "why did you give her attitude though?" Ranboo asks "it's just how i was taught, someone disrespects you, you disrespect them. Easy" I say.

Word count:285

Another short chapter.
See you next time bbg 😘🏳️‍🌈✨💅

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