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Taylor Smalls *3 months later

"Girl I'm telling you, you need a pregnancy test" bre said as she stoop over me while holding my hair as I threw up

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"Girl I'm telling you, you need a pregnancy test" bre said as she stoop over me while holding my hair as I threw up. her big 8 month belly was blocking my view of her.

"No I don't I just need a ginger ale and some crackers I'll be fine" groaning as I stood up my whole body felt weak for some reason

"Girl no, I had these same symptoms when I found out I was pregnant with this baby" feeling my self start to frown

"What the fuckkk" a bulge grew in my throat I felt myself bout to cry

I cannot be pregnant

"No I'm not pregnant" I was ugly crying hard as fuck right now this can't be happening to me

"Girl stop crying like that's it's making me laugh" looking up at this big bowling ball standing over me

"Bitch shit up this is not a time to be joking" wiping my face "I think I need a pregnancy test" grabbing my toothbrush as the taste of throw up lingered in my mouth

"You think?" Tuning my toothbrush under water before adding toothpaste and repeating before I stated to clean my mouth

A/n: the only proper way to brush your teeth

"Yo lucky I got some back up test even tho you don't need to take one. Even a blind person can see that you pregnant"

Spitting the toothpaste out before grabbing the mouthwash. What if I'm really pregnant

I should swallow this mouthwash!

Swishing the liquid before I spit it back out "ok give me the test" grabbing the package from her before closing the door

5 minutes later

"Oh my god bitch your pregnant" kiana screamed while I said down the door crying

We called her over to my house a few minutes ago give her the "good news"

"I got two titi babies oh my god I'm so shocked"

"Taylor say something girl" bre sat down next to me trying to console me but I was not working

How could I be pregnant the last time I had sex was when I went to that club with them and I know it was wrong to fuck a stranger but I still did it and im very sure that he used a condom

He did use a condom right . Why would he fuck a stranger raw

I don't remember anything from that night besides going to his place and him fucking my brains out

"I don't know who my baby-daddy is" I whispered to myself. I never thought I would be saying this but I don't know who my baby daddy is

Not because I fuck multiple people it's cuz I had a one night stand with a person I don't know. But I do know that this baby is 100 percent his who ever he is because I haven't fucked in like a year.

Or three

"I know who he is you left with him that night at pinkies. I thought you knew girl is this why you so sad" looking over at her with the dumbest look on my face

"What's his name" hoping she had his number so I could contact him

"His name is Devo him and my dumb ass baby daddy be around each other all the time"  reaching for her phone she did typed something before my phone dinged in my pocket

"I just sent you his number let me know how it goes when you tell him" she struggled to stand up on her own

"Damn bitch you ain't gone help me" looking at me crazy laughing

Bitch I'm pregnant too !!

"Girl not too much cuz I'm let yo ass struggle all night" looking over at ki and she was smiling all in her phone

"Girl who you on the phone with" looking over her shoulder but she blocked it before I could see

"Girl boo mind yo business" standing up she walked to the door "that's my man telling me to come home he got sun for me " basically speed walking to the door

"You nasty" cringing at her choice of words walking them both out to their cars

"Not as nasty as y'all, both of y'all pregnant shacking my head"

"Shut up.anyways y'all get home safely" waving at them as I walked back to my door "call me when you get home" blowing their horns as they drove off

Closing and locking my door back I went to get my phone about to call "devo"  to tell him

How was he going to react. How would he respond

I'm a nervous reck right now not knowing what to do or say. It's been like three months I can't just bluntly say I'm pregnant and it's yours

That would be suspicious af . Dude probably don't even remember me.

Sighing as I clicked onto his contact hearing the phone ring a few times before someone answered. "Hello" the deep voice trailed through the phone

"Hey is this davo" my leg was shaking bad I hoped he doesn't hand up on me "yea who dis"

"I'm Taylor your probably don't remember me that last time we seen each other was like three mon-" cutting me off mid sentence "ok get to the point"  mugging the air

"Why did you cut me off that was rude" sassing him back through the phone. "Look shawty get to the point or get off my phone I got shit to do"  rolling my eyes hard before speaking again

Honestly it took me everything not to hang up on his rude ass "I'm pregnant that's what I was trying to tell you before you interrupted me" hearing the other line go quiet

"Hello" checking the phone "you got the wrong person shawty"

"No I don't Davo three months ago we were at pinkies we smoked together and you took me to your house"

"Meet me at Walmart tomorrow round three" hanging the phone up before I could reply

"Asshole" walking into my room about lay down all that crying drained me

Unedited sorry for mistakes

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