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"Happy first birthday to my stinka man" picking him up from the jeep car kissing his face "I love you baby" he smiled showing his teeth "mommy I big boy" nodding tucking my lips trying not to cry

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"Happy first birthday to my stinka man" picking him up from the jeep car kissing his face "I love you baby" he smiled showing his teeth "mommy I big boy" nodding tucking my lips trying not to cry

"Yes baby you a big boy"he wiggled down once he see his dad walking over to us "DADDY" shaking my head he was definitely a daddies boy "wassup lil man happy birthday" kissing his cheek

"Tank you" putting his finger in his mouth Davon put in down letting him run off to play with his cousins and friends "what I tell you bout picking him up with my baby in yo stomach" rubbing over my protruding belly slowly

Sighing "I want to hold him as much as I can before he gets too big" pouting as I watched him run around playing

"Mmtch you acting like he going off to college he just turned one ma" kissing her cheek "that's what it feels like" patting under my eyes trying not to ruin my makeup

Chuckling softly in my ear "he ight man trust me, we got seventeen more years to go" smiling up at him "you right and I'm not ready for him to be a teenager either" putting my head Against chest feeling it rumble from talking

"Shit me either I was bad as hell" lifting up off of him "oh trust me I can tell" frowning at my statement "what that's supposed to mean" giggling watching his confused face

"Come on let's go find him so we can eat cake my feet starting to hurt" he slapped my butt hard as I walked away

"Damn I love that waddle you do" smacking my teeth making him laugh "ain't shit funny" mushing his head back before walking onto stage taping the mike twice

"Hey y'all I just came up here to thank every body for coming to my baby's party he really is happy you all came and so am I" smiling at the large room of people that showed up just for my baby "thank you for all his gift, clothes and toys I'm sure he will enjoy them but now it's time to head to the kitchen so we can sing happy birthday to my baby and eat cake"

I could hear his little feet running at the word cake "CAKE MOMMY I WAN CAKE" chuckling softly in the mic

He ran up to Davon to be picked up "ok everybody let eat cake" walking through the crowd of people into the kitchen where the food was set up and on display

I lit his one candle as the lights were turned off "ok one two three HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU"

5 mins later

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU YAYYY" clapping our hands together grabbed the cake so he could blow out his candle

Davon grabbed a pice smushing it on his face making him pout smacking my lips I grabbed a handful before smashing it into his face

Laughter filled the room smiling he puckered his lips leaning in to kiss him he rubbed his face against mines smearing cake every where pushing him back softly "it's another cake y'all in case you want some" we ruined this cake completely

Shay and my mom were slicing everyone pieces of cake and ice cream while drea and bre were fixing plates and giving out treats and candy bags

"Here baby you get a big piece" sitting him at the table placing the large corner piece in front of him "tank you" smiling at him

"You welcome baby"

10:30 pm

"Thank you everybody for coming and for the gifts" hugging all of our family and friends goodbye thanking them for coming

At This point it was jus a hand full of people here no more then ten we were saying out last goodbyes while Davon put Salem and Kayla to bed

"Come visit us soon" waving out to their cars which we're pulling off i closed the door and locked it before instantly pulling my dress off "whew it feel good to be naked" tossing the dress in our laundry room walking past salems room seeing him tucked in sleep doing the same with Kayla

"Damn" loking forward my handsome husband was standing their in all his glory smiling "you wanna shower with me" smirking walking past him feeling a stinging substation on my left cheek "hell yea" laughing at his silliness before running us a shower

After two rounds in the shower they both tiredly laid on the king size bed which looking up at the mounted tv screen that played scream six. Looking down seeing her twiddle with her ring on her finger

"I should get you a bigger one huh?" Shrugging she didn't really care if he did or didn't all that mattered was that they were together and happy "no baby don't waste your money"

"Mmtch girl ima get you a bigger Rock by our anniversary" leaning down kissing her plump pink lips a couple of times before laying back on his stacked pillows

"Ok what ever you want baby" rolling in her side his arms still over her side rubbing her stomach

"I love you tay" he said before her soft snores could be heard through out the room

Smiling lookin over her shoulder "i love you too baby"


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