5. )Sleeping bag situation

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"Lost in the wilderness again?" the cool, confident and cocky voice of Drew, May's first rival in her coordinating career reached her ears.

She and Glaceon had become lost in the forest of never ending trees. The brunette was unsure of which town she may or may not be close too. Her Pokenav had failed to navigate her to her proper destination.

Luckily Drew found her. Or rather heard her angry shouts aimed toward her useless piece of equipment.

The ice-type and the woman of eighteen years old stared in the older coordinators direction. As usual an amused smirk was plastered on his gorgeous face, his eyes mischievous. "What? Did a Stantler use Hypnosis on you? You are in Bewilder Forest after all; it's been known to happen."

"What are you doing here?" May growled her fists clenching.

"The same thing you are of course." He flicked his evergreen hair out of his eyes. "I would have thought that would have been rather obvious. But you are so dense, I understand." The woman ignored him and instead chose to look at his traveling companion, who was not Roserade but Absol. She beamed and headed towards the large pokemon she hadn't seen for a while. Drew seemed a little appalled she just disregarded him, Glaceon noticed.

"You look great Absol!" May praised, stroking the soft white fur of his neck.

"Absol!" he replied, nudging her gently in gratitude.

The green haired man watched as she smiled and interacted with his pokemon. May always did have a personality that would make someone become her friend, or others who would use that to their advantage like Harley did. Drew's emerald orbs shifted to the winter pokemon sitting beside him, watching her master and Absol with those beautiful large blue eyes until she felt his stare. She turned toward him and tilted her head, "Glace."

A smile formed on his lips because of her display of cuteness. There were some pokemon who could melt a cold person's heart by simple actions. "How have you been?" he scratched behind her ears, earning purrs of content.

"Glace, Glaceon!" she chirped, leaning further into his hand as he continued to rub her ears.

From the corner of her eye May stared at her rival and pokemon. She even caught Drew smiling and that in turn made her smile.

"So what contest are you off to?" May inquired, her anger from his earlier comments, forgotten. Her body was turned toward him now. Drew looked at her, still scratching Glaceon who had shut her eyes to savor his actions. She whimpered when he pulled away, earning surprised gazes from the two humans before the hand that left was returned to its former position on her head.

Continuing his actions, Drew replied, "Jubilife City. You?"

When May started turning red and rubbing the back of her neck he knew she was hopelessly lost and probably nowhere near her destination. "I knew you got lost, it's a usual occurrence for you. Too bad Glaceon has a uncoordinated coordinator as a master."

The brunettes face contorted with the strong desire to murder and stormed up to him with her fists clenched at her side and back slightly hunched over. "You-" a red rose was thrust in her face, making her blue orbs widen and her angry advancement toward him halt.

"That got you to stop..." her temper was beginning to flare to life again but Drew smirked, "You should take some anger management classes...I suppose you can travel with me, until we get to the town you were trying to get to. Good thing I have a better sense of direction than you do." He threw the rose at her; she caught it of course, and led the way to wherever he was off to.

"Absol," the disaster pokemon came up behind May's unmoving form and nudged her to move, his head to the back of her shoulders. She smiled at him and walked next to her larger companion with Glaceon on her other side. Both pokemon noticed she twirled the flower in her hand and her sapphire eyes gazed at it in thought, a small smile on her face.

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