8.) 7 Kisses part 2

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The Kiss That Interrupted The Argument.

"Oh, Glaceon, you were wonderful!" May exclaimed happily, hugging the ice-type for the umpteenth time since they had won the Ecruteak Contest. Even though the contest had ended long ago and she had already been presented with her ribbon, she was still hanging around backstage in the coordinator's lounge, packing up her things. She would have been ready to go earlier, but she was so incredibly thrilled that she had actually managed to beat Drew for the first time since last year's Kanto Grand Festival that she kept getting distracted with things such as squeezing her poor Pokémon to death.

"Glace!" replied the Eevee evolution, licking his trainer on the cheek. May laughed as he did, appreciative of the affectionate gesture. The moment was so light, so totally and utterly blissful, May couldn't remember a time when she was more happy than right then. Nothing could ruin it, nothing except perhaps-

"Hi, May."


May froze and rigidly turned to face her rival. Although they had met on the battlefield earlier that day, May had taken special care to avoid him on personal terms all morning. The fact she had mistakenly kissed him late yesterday evening had been lingering at the back of her mind all day, and she really didn't want to deal with the teasing or awkwardness or even rejection (not that she actually cared whether he rejected her or not) that could potentially arise out of her bone-headed move.

"Hey," she replied amiably.

"I was waiting for you outside the contest hall, but you were taking like an hour so I decided to come looking for you," Drew said.

"Sorry," May apologized, though she sounded a little indignant, "Glaceon and I were just reveling in the moment."

"I can see that," Drew commented, flicking his hair. "Anyway, I just came to congratulate you on your win. As much as I hate to admit it, Masquerain and I were no match for you and Glaceon today. We have a lot of training ahead of us." May shrugged.

"Last night probably threw you off your game." There was never another moment in her life May wanted to slap herself in the face as much as she did then. Why in the world was she bringing it up, much less making a joke about it? She wanted to avoid this discussion, not plunge head-first into it. Drew seemed completely unfazed, however.

"Probably," he admitted. May looked surprised by this confession, since he actually sounded serious. She shuffled her feet and sat down on a nearby bench with an uncomfortable expression painted on her face, but didn't reply. Cue the awkwardness.

Drew stood by for a long moment before finally asking, "Would you like to get some coffee?" May's head snapped up.

"W-What?" she stammered.

"Coffee. Do you want some?" Drew repeated, mapping it out in the simplest terms possible. May swallowed nervously. Was he asking her out on ... a date?

"Oh, um ... I don't know," she hesitated.

"One cup," he persisted. "What's the worst that could happen?"

They could talk about what happened last night, and she could die from embarrassment and humiliation. She could accidentally spill hot coffee on herself and burn her thighs. He could say something that would break her heart and send her spiraling into a week-long depression. She could make an even bigger fool out of herself and tell him she loved him, even though she clearly didn't. There were a million things that could go wrong, which is why she didn't understand why she agreed to go.

"Fine," she conceded before returning Glaceon to his Pokéball. Drew smirked.

"Good," he said.

"Ugh," May groaned, making a face. Drew lowered his steaming cup of coffee from his lips with an eyebrow raised.

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