The argument

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After isabell and Jaden get into that whole argument, we literally had to split them up. Isabelle was so close to beating his ass. It was so funny I'm not gonna lie then we get into the school and right now we're just at our lockers because school doesn't start until 9:15. Javon walked up to us and he's just staring at Isabelle so you know Jaylah she had to say something she was like stop looking at her like that and he finally snaps out of it and he's just blushing. Hey guys javon says to us hi said Isabelle hey I said sup said Jaden and jaylah.

Then I don't know where Jaden calls me attention seeker and that's what got Isabelle really mad I tried to calm her down, but I couldn't and she started yelling at him in Spanish. Mira, perra, llámala así otra vez y te daré una paliza(Look bitch call her that again and I'll beat the fuck out of you) Jaden looked at her and said, what did you just say to me and walked up to her and that's when Javon stood in front of her and said Jaden calm down she didn't mean it, but Isabelle being Isabelle had to say something.

You heard me loud, proud and clear so next time you say something like that, I'm gonna beat your ass Jaden said Isabelle and I just looked at her like she was crazy because I never heard her say something like that. And then Jaden said, how about you worry about your own relationship oh, right you don't have one because you're lonely and you're just mad because I'm dating ava he said. Why would I want to be like your slut girlfriend she sleeps with everyone, so yeah and you might want to go get a check up. You never know what you can have because she sticks her tongue down everyone's throat and just opens her legs isabelle said that made everyone gasp

In love w my bully-Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now