He apologizes 

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Once I said that everyone gasp even Jaden but he was mad, but did I care not one bit? I was tired of him bullying my sister calling her names because she's not a attention seeker. His girlfriend is actually. So I gave him what he wanted. He wanted someone I was gonna argue with him so I argued with him you might think it's crazy, but I don't care. I will do anything for my sister and my twin at that even though she's a minute, older but that's all right. I'm just glad I have her.

But I'm glad that I did that, but I'm also glad that my crush stood in front of me. Yes, speechless are you Jaden I say and he just walked away like he should but I turned to javon and said hey thanks for that you didn't have to yk that's not your place. Javon said don't worry I rather have him hit me than someone that beautiful and I blushed a lot when he said that and jaylah says hey, do you and Bella wanna come over to our house after school. Sure why not but we do you have to go home right after school and change because I do not want to be in my school clothes I wanna take a shower and I know she does too I say and Bella was like yeah I do wanna shower after school but right now we have to get to class before we get a detention but see you later sis Jaylah let's go to class bye ofc I said bye love you bella.

Javon and I have the same classes for first period second period third period and fourth so usually we just walk to class together Jaden thinks we're dating but we're not. I just don't know how to tell him. I like him but javon my best friend, and I don't wanna mess that up

Isabella pov
I walk to class after everything just happen. I'm surprise that Belle said that I wasn't thinking that she was gonna say something, but I was wrong. I think her and Javon would be the cutest couple, but she doesn't wanna mess up their friendship and she thinks he doesn't feel the same but secretly I know he does because he told me that he has a crush on her I mean, if you don't have a crush on her he would never stood up for her, but you know my sister thinks he doesn't like her and she doesn't wanna mess up the friendship.

I'm walking to class and I get pulled into the janitors closet and I look to see who it is it's Jaden Walton. What Jaden I said and he just looks at me and then I don't know where he just hugged me and tells me he's sorry for everything he did to me, but I think it's a lie you're sorry for everything you did, jaden you hurt me and I thought we were best friends because we've been friends since grade school but Eva comes in your life and you start bullying me for no reason let me guess she told you to because if you didn't, she's gonna break up with you and you didn't want her to break up with you well, guess what Jaden she's using you because your brothers famous she doesn't really like you she's cheating on you and you know that but you don't want to amid it, and it hurts the most that you don't even talk to me anymore. You bully me, call me names and then you wanna apologize.

I say tears going down my cheek and he wipes them and he says I know I messed up a lot, but Bella please forgive me. I don't want us to be on bad terms anymore. I want us to be friends like we used to be how we used to have sleepovers and watch movies and eat popcorn and have pillow fights. I want to gain your trust back, Bella I don't want you to think that I don't like you, but it's just that Ava is my soul. I just look at him. I say I can't do this anymore. Jaden and I walk out I did skip first period because I was crying.

In love w my bully-Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now