chaewon & yunjin g!p

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you have always gotten along with your step sisters ever since they took you in from that orphanage you call hellhole. at first, you thought that they would adopt you so that they could have an assistant or a slave that will do all the things for them seeing how intimidating these two sisters,Yunjin and Chaewon, look, but you thought wrong.

Two years have passed since they adopted you, you experienced nothing but a good relationship with them. you felt loved and taken care of throughout your whole life— the parental love that you've been longing for,
along with the support and love from your dear sisters,there's nothing more you could ever wish for.

Yunjin and Chaewon are glad to have you as well. you have been there during their ups and downs— lifting them up from their sorrows and problems with a lovely personality,not to mention your amazing cooking skills that leave them nothing but amazed by the way you cook your food.they feel so lucky... feel so lucky to the point that they feel more than what a good big sister must feel towards her step sibling.

it was a fairly normal night inside the household ; Yunjin and Chaewon playing video games on the sofa while your parents are preparing themselves for a week-long vacation abroad for christmas,while you, on the other hand,are trying some things that your best friend,Yeji, have sent you— mini skirts and crazy as it seems,you have found yourself fond of this kind of stuff,probably because of your group of friends as well,but that's for another story— and you don't want anyone else in your family to know about this.

"— this looks so good on me"you mumbled as you complimented yourself,and you're not wrong,the mini skirt looks very good on twirled around the mirror,giggling happily as you have found something again to put in your collection of skirts.however,due to your busyness,you didn't notice the sets of eyes fixated on your body as you twirled and turned around in that mini skirt—it is only that you noticed your step sisters inside your room the moment you heard your door get closed and the click of your lock.

"Mmmh...i didn't know you're interested in this kind of stuff" Yunjin approached you with a wild smirk on her don't know whether you should feel scared or aroused by her actions and expressions that you absentmindedly stepped back nonstop until you're cornered against the wall.

"Yunjin-ah...don't scare our cute little sister like that,look at her enjoying herself with that beautiful skirt of her,isn't she pretty?" Chaewon intervened as she gently took your hand and pulled you close to her.She kissed your forehead which made you feel all flustered,and it didn't help that Yunjin went behind you and started kissing your nape.

"you're right,Chaewon-ah,our step sister looks so pretty with her mini skirt...i wonder,what can we do with her now that mom and dad's finally away?" Yunjin spoke with a deep voice that sent shivers down your spine.the girl behind you then gropes your ass,causing you to whimper softly against Chaewon's neck.

"so cute and vulnerable...we'll have some fun playing with her,Yunjin-ah" you could feel the tension building up inside your room as Chaewon carried you by your legs.She sat down on the edge of your bed before straddling you on her lap,Yunjin following looked deeply into Chaewon's eyes lovingly— god how beautiful those orbs are— as you felt your lips connect with hers.

the feeling was sensational— all the butterflies inside your stomach started to go wild the moment your eldest step sister started kissing you.the kiss was soft and vanilla,you could feel Chaewon's gentleness with the way her lips and tongue danced with your mouth,and it made you moan softly.

you pulled away for a moment to take a breather— "u-unnie—...this is wrong—" you tried to protest only for you to be cut off by Yunjin. "it shouldn't feel that good then, little one" Yunjin stated before taking you away from Chaewon's lap.

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