Chaewon x g!p lesserafim (legal line)

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TW: degradation,daddy!kink,Chaewon is a fuck toy,kinky stuffs,Chaewon being abused,crybaby Chaewon,the other members are rude.

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Chaewon rolled around her bed, bored out of her wits. Staring at the ceiling for hours on end was less fun than she had imagined, and she had absolutely nothing else to do.She could go online and talk to their fans for a while, but she had already done that earlier that day and yesterday. And the day before yesterday. And so on, you get it.

Usually,she loved interacting with their fans like nothing else- they were the reason she could keep going most of the days, but even that was bound to get boring sooner or later.Eunchae had seized the opportunity of a free day and dragged garam along with her so they could spend the day out shopping.

Garam had not wanted to go out with Eunchae, fully aware that she was just functioning as a money source for the younger, but after a few fake tears and 'unnie, you don't love me anymore's Garam had begrudgingly given in.
So that basically meant Eunchae and Garam were unavailable for the remainder of the day since Eunchae would surely use this opportunity (and Garam's credit card) to the max to buy herself whatever she needed.

The other girls were busy playing stupid video games. They have been for the past four hours, too. You'd think they get bored of it after a while but no, they could seriously stare at that screen for hours on end.
Chaewon had even tried joining them for a while there but she couldn't bring herself even to act like she enjoyed making little digital figures move around with a little joystick.

Chaewon sighed. "Fuck this," she muttered, suddenly getting annoyed at everything.

What was having a girlfriend even good for if she didn't want to entertain Chaewon? Girls were literally trash, and it was pissing Chaewon off.

She reached for her phone, turning it on and accessing her chat with Huh Yunjin.She cringed a bit, seeing how for the last few hours it was only her side spamming, and Yunjin occasionally answering with an exasperated emoji or a short and clipped answer.

But what could she do? She was bored and Yunjin was being no help! Chaewon huffed before starting to text her girlfriend.

Me: Yunjin-ah
Me: Yunjinnnn :(
Me: Yunjin, are you there?
Me: I'm really really bored.
Me: I know you think I'm joking, but seriously!
Me: What if I rot away here and none of y'all would even notice
Me: because you care more about FIFA and LOL :((((
Me: If I die, it's your fault just so you know >:(

Yunjin: Chaewon.

Me: hi Yunjin :DDD
Me: Can you talk to me now finally?
Me: I miss youuuu
Me: Now that we have no schedule you don't even wanna spend time with me
Me: do you even love me Jinny? >:(

Yunjin: Chae, don't even.

Me: Don't even what?
Me: You've been ignoring me the entire day!
Me: You don't love me anymore, right?

Yunjin: I told you I'd spend this evening with you.

Me: But what am I supposed to do right now!

Yunjin: Chaewon you're a big girl, you'll find something to do, trust me
Yunjin: And now leave me alone and stop blowing up my phone.

Me: Unfair!
Me: Yunjin, you're so mean, you hate me!
Me: Yunjin, come back!
Me: I didn't even get to say anything!
Me: Yunjinnnn :(((

Chaewon huffed out. Again. This was really starting to piss her off.She hadn't wanted to take such drastic measures, but Yunjin seriously left her no choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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