summerz g!p

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Chaewon was irritated.

They had just finished what, she thought, would be the last schedule of the day, when their manager greeted them with a sheepish smile in the group's van. Immediately, they knew that the sleep they had been greatly anticipating had just been postponed without their permission. "I'm sorry, girls," their manager apologized, "I know you've been awake for a long time." 28 hours to be exact.

Upon arrival, they were immediately ushered inside and surrounded by a team of staff members.

It was cold. The temperatures in Seoul had dropped below zero and the location didn't seem to have a heating system. She was standing there, scarcely clad in a short denim skirt and white crop top. Her arms were wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep herself warm. Chaewon yawned. They had been at their surprise schedule for over 2 hours at this point. The group pictures were already taken so she was now waiting for her turn to take her solo shots. The group's main dancer, Kazuha, was first. Chaewon shook her head in annoyance as she watched the youngest pose for the photographer. God, she wished she could punch that smug smile off her face.

Kazuha was gorgeous and she knew it. She exuded the type of confidence that Chaewon could only dream of.

Of course she would never tell her that.

Ever since the two girls first met in the HYBE practice room a year before, they were sworn enemies. Up until that point, Chaewon was the undoubtedly best dancer among all female trainees so when Kazuha walked in, it was clear that they were going to be each other's biggest competition. Their sadistic coaches egged the competition on further, making them dance the same solos and pitting them against each other in their monthly evaluations. While there was a strong sense of competion among all trainees in general, they usually all got along well and helped each other through tough times. All of them but Kazuha and Chaewon.

When both of them were chosen to be part of Lesserafim's final lineup, their other group members tried to help them mend their hateful relationship but it was pointless. They were so used to ending ever conversation in an argument that they simply didn't know how to talk to each other normally off camera.

On camera, however, they managed to fool everyone.

"Chaewon," the photographer ripped her out of her thoughts, "Your turn!"

She nodded and flinched as Kazuha's shoulder colided with hers, when she tried to pass the older girl. An angry growl left her lips. Kazuha did that on purpose and her smirk was proof of it.

The lights on set were almost blinding but at least they provided the freezing girl with a bit of warmth, allowing her to stop hugging herself. As she started posing for the camera, she could feel the youngest's eyes on her. A short glance to the side confirmed her suspicion. Kazuha had taken a seat, crossed her arms and legs and watched the older member closely with a smug smile on her lips, which she knew Chaewon hated. Asshole.

It took a good hour until Chaewon's solo shoot had finally wrapped up. She let out a relieved sigh. She was so tired and so annoyed because Kazuha didn't move an inch throughout the entire hour. Keeping an eye on her older member, making sure to irritate her further.

"Get changed and I'll drop you two off at the dorm. No point in making you stay here another 2 hours when you could sleep instead. Next time it's your turn staying longer, though, while Kkura,Yunjini and Eunchae get to go home early, deal?" Their manager informed them.

He didn't have to tell them twice. In no time, Chaewon was back in her white oversized hoodie and black skirt she was wearing earlier, while Kazuha put on her grey sweatpants and hoodie.

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