Chapter Three: Fun Is Evil

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I was completely labeled the freak. And no one wanted to listen to my side of the story.

I stood in front of the cafeteria, lunch tray in hand, and looked around for a place to sit.

The nerds would probably faint.

The sluts would try to murder me.

The junkies would make me get high with them.

And I sure as hell could not stand the chorus table.

I was screwed.

"Hey. Victoria Grey!" Carter shouted.

Everyone looked and I blushed red as I saw Carter waving for me.

"What are you waiting for? C'mere!" Carter said.

"Hold on," I said.

I walked quickly towards him.

"You are truly an embarrassment," I said.

"Love you too baby," Carter replied, taking my apple, "Wanna have some real fun?"

"What do you call fun?" I asked.

"Hanging out with me. I'm fun! Aren't I?" Carter answered.

"If I say yes, will you stop shouting?" I asked.

"No," Carter said.

"Yes," I said, giving up.

We sat down at an empty table and I started to eat when Carter pulled out an orange juice bottle except it was filled with what looked like alcohol.

"Um... what is that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Pee," Carter answered.

"Seriously," I said.

Carter drank some before wiping his mouth and handing it to me.

"Want some?" Carter asked.

"No thanks. Getting drunk in school is kind of not my idea of fun," I answered.

Carter laughed before saying, "This is nothing compared to what I usually drink."

"You're crazy. Don't you know alcohol ruins your liver?" I asked.

"You only live once, right?" Carter asked.

"Doesn't mean be stupid," I answered.

"Don't you ever have fun?" Carter asked.

"Yeah. I go to parties and whatever," I answered. 

"I mean, real fun," Carter asked.

"Real fun? Fun is evil," I answered.

"Not with me," Carter said, wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed a bit too loudly.

"You know if you squint your eyes, you look like Justin Beiber," I said.

"Really? Let me try it," Carter said.

He did the whole Justin Beiber look and I laughed loudly. A couple people looked so Carter looked back and they turned back around.

"How do you do it?" I asked.

"Do what?" Carter asked.

"Not be intimidated by people. I mean, how do you not be scared of people or what people think of you?" I asked.

"Simple. No one has the right to judge you. Or look at you some type of way. So don't care. Which might be hard for you, Miss Cheerleader, but just try it. You'll feel better," Carter said with a smile.

My Bad Boy GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now