One: Vod An

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Fives was used to being on the run. He had been for a long, long time. He was used to being alone. He had no one anymore. Well, not really. It was just him, his ship, the astromech droid Fox gave him, and Kix. 

Fives glanced around the cockpit of the VCX-100 starship that Fox had somehow managed to find him—something about a Jedi friend? Fives didn't ask questions. Once he found out that no one was ever going to listen to him, a clone, he just gave up. He worked as a smuggler now, getting things in and out, getting paid, and that was it. Dangerous, but simple. He even had the freedom to refuse! He never had that in the GAR!

Everything was the same for almost two years. It was his mission to Eriadu that had, once again, changed his life.

He and Kix had set up a camp not too far from Tarken's base, got what they needed, and were loading The Domino when he heard air forces flying around when they weren't scheduled too. It wasn't time for their next patrol yet.

Fives looked up to where he knew a tram line was above the clouds, surprised to see half of a tram-car plummeting towards the ground. Fives quickly finished putting the cargo into his ship and turned to Kix.

"I'm gonna go check it out—something tells me it's important," he tells his vod, the later nodding his head. 

"Go, I'll finish loading up the ship," Kix huffed. 

Fives muttered an affirmative and hiked about a mile to the crash site. 

The clone wasn't planning on staying long. No doubt the Empire would send scouts to investigate as well, but something told Fives that he had to check it out.

Looking around, Fives took in the wreckage. Metal scraps were flung around, the bodies of clones who were already dead before contact with the ground scattered. 

The vode scattered around were—was that someone coughing?

Fives looked to his left where a stream was flowing through the wood, the usually clear waters turning red with fresh blood. Someone was lying on their back, parts of their clothing torn and their armor chipped. Their strange looking helmet had shattered at the visor, yellow tinted glass shattered and some of it sticking out of the person's skin. 

Fives gently pulled off the helmet, realizing with surprise that this person was a vod. And a kid! Not a young one but still a kid. Maybe around 17? 

The kid's goggles were cracked and no good, glass threatening to fall into the victim's slightly parted eyes. 

"Alright, kid. I need you to stay awake, got it?" Fives whispered to the fallen brother and picked him up, gently cradling the kid's head to his chest. 

Even with the armor, the clone was pretty light, lighter than he probably should be.

Picking his pace up to a run, he bolted to where the Domino was, bounding up the ramp. "KIX! KIX GET OVER HERE!" he screeched.

His brother bolted from the cockpit with concern wired over his face. "What's going on—" 

Kix had frozen when he saw the body Fives was carrying, his face paling and his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Don't just stand there—do something! You're a medic for kriff's sake!" 

Kix immediately rushed to the small medbay he and Fives had on their ship, Fives at his heels with the injured vod. Once the later laid the kid down, Kix kicked him out of the room.

"Get us out of here, the Empire will no doubt be nearby," the medic had pushed Fives.

Now Fives was staring out of the cockpit, thinking about all that had happened in the past couple hours since they picked up the vod. Kix hadn't left the medbay, which wasn't a good sign. 

The clone sighed, watching the blue and white stripes of hyperspace whizzed by, and let sleep claim his body, his last thought of the good and simple times with the 501st....


So I do and don't really have a plan for this. Let's just see where this goes, yes? 

A few things to note:
The clones don't have accelerated aging
There will be graphic descriptions of violence

The ages of the batch are:

Hunter—just turned 25


Tech—a few months away from 18
Omega—14 going on 15

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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