second chapter - how to understand it?

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in response to Saka's questions, he received only one silence. Sak, in anticipation of an answer, drilled the boy with his eyes. The boy just furrowed his brows and closed his eyes. Sak frowned even more and got angry. since there was still a desire to kill anyone who dared to wake him up. he roughly took the guy by the chinand pulled him towards him. The boy was surprised and furrowed his brows. Looking at the boy, Sak noticed a slight blush on the boy's cheeks. Sak just smiled at that. and put his thumb on the boy's bottom lip. making the boy blush even more. and wonder what sack does. sak same at this time, a littlestuck his finger in his mouth. guy feeling finger saka, almost in his mouth. sak provoked a nice guy to talk with his actions. Sak decided to ask his own questions again.

s-Answer my question first, who are you?

silence. sak grinned and pulled the embarrassed boy's face even closer. after which he said that. from which the guy was surprised and frowned.

s- Do you want me to continue?)
o- I won't tell you who I am!

the guy screamed, after which the sak abruptly shut the guy's mouth. furrowing his brows as ling is still asleep. like not like three o'clock in the morning.

s-speak quieter!

Sak whispered loudly so that the guy understood. and don't speak loudly. I really don't want Lin to wake up.

s- Answer my question, I won't leave! otherwise I'll just kick you out of my house!
o- ah.. don't..
s-okay, what's your name?
o- my name is Oti
s-nice to meet you oti, how did you get into my house?
o- no matter..
s- important, but the most interesting thing is where did you find such realistic ears and tail?

said sak. let go of the boy who put on like an oti. Ochi moved away from the sak a little and looked away. just waiting for an answer. until moved to one of the ears of the oti. stroking the ear in the opposite direction of the coat, the sak heard a low, drawn-out groan. sak was surprised at such sensitivity, and when otirealized that he had just groaned. he moved away from the sack all red. after which he spoke loudly, but in such a way that only sak could be heard.

o-don't touch my ears and tail!! they are too sensitive!
uh...are those your ears and tail?
o-yeah, don't touch them.. please...
s- oh okay

Sak started looking around the kitchen. without departing from oti. after which, he looked at the oti with a questioning look. then asked a question.

s- listen, have you by any chance seen my kitten?
o-, I have no idea which kitten you are talking about.

Oti said. while saying his sentence, oti looked away from saka. sak, having understood from the look of oti that he was lying. he took his hand. and pulled him towards the bedroom. having entered there, sak closed the door with a key so that he could not get out. knocked him down on the bed so that he would sit onbed, and the oti sat on his lap. sak reposted his question.

s-where is my cat?
o- if I tell you, you won't believe it! and I know it!
s- speak! and I'll make it so that in the morning you will regret that you came to court at all!
o- how did I understand you called your kitten blackie?
s- yes, you have come to my house since that moment

Oti ignored Saka words. and threw him on the bed so that he sat somewhere in the groin and abdomen. Ochi put his hands on Saka's chest. after which he said.

o-so I'm your kitten named Chernush!
s- how to understand it?
o-easy and simple

oti answered and snapped his fingers. In the same second, Oti turned into a kitten. the same one. a kitten with dark gray hair, and beautiful bright amber eyes. Sak was even more surprised. got up from the bed and began to stroke the kitten and then said.

s- come back to human-cat form)

sak smiled. looking at the kitten, which immediately turned into a cat-human form. Sak looked into the amber eyes, smiled and then said.

s- let's go to sleep, three nights
o- mgm

oti tears from the sac and lay down on the bed. sack did the same. as soon as he lay down, he climbed onto the saka. sak looked at the oti. not understanding why he did it.

s- what are you?
o- I like to sleep on something ..

Oti said and then yawned. sak same realizing just started stroking the head oti. and stroked his ears a little. towards the wool. and put one hand on the belly of the oti. while the other hand continued to stroke the head of the oti. oti same at this time, cute purred. from the actions of the Saka. morning 13:56 first woke up oti. what happenedpretty logical. anyway, a cat. when he woke up, he sat up a little. not knowing that saka has a sensitive dream. when he got up, sak immediately woke up, but did not show it to oti. who looked at the Saka. Then he got up and went to the kitchen. hoping to find milk there. sak got upout of bed and went to the bathroom. As he approached the kitchen, he heard the girl's voice with his good hearing. who had a nice conversation with someone. snap of fingers. and he is already human. he walks into the kitchen and says.

o- good morning.)
li- good morning sak)

Lin said as she continued talking on the phone. a minute later when she finished talking. she drew attention to the "saka" but there was no sak at all. she raised one eyebrow and asked a question.

li- and who are you?

Lin said. when suddenly a voice was heard. whereupon ling and ochi looked in the direction from which the voice came.

c-is my friend)
li- oh, right?

answered sack and smiled. sitting next to lin. who looked at the oti. then to saka. realizing that they do not have a guest room. knowing the nature of the Saka. he would not have laid his friend in the living room. he didn't go to ling after they said good night to each other. so there is only one option left. they slept on the same bed.

li- * really, sak finally found himself, after that incident .. well, I hope that everything is fine with them ..) *

Lin thought. then she got up from the table. walked up to the sak and whispered in his ear.

li- •congratulations on finding a boyfriend) •

she just wanted to leave. Sak caught Ling by the arm and pulled him back. then whispered back.

s- •first of all, I didn't find anyone for myself, and secondly, I'll never forget him!•

hearing the words of the Saka. Lin was a little upset especially about that offer of saka. that he will never forget him. much to our regret, and after all lin so wanted that sack, forgot it. I didn’t really forget, but at least that he would not grieve. sad every day. Lin really wants Sak to be happy. allSaka's friendship with Lina, Saka supported, pleased. made sure to always smile. Lin also wants Sak to be happy too. but the memories of him and his death ...


what do you think about whom sak constantly thinks and is sad? your suggestions =)

words - 1294

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