Chapter 1

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Y/N pov

I look around to find the voice, and I found a red-haired man I go to stand up but then froze, someone is staring at me and I don't like it, it felt like how Mori did when I was in the Port Mafia, I look at the Red-haired male and then he said " I welcome you to Devildom, I am Lord Diavolo the next king" ok so I'm in some place called Devildom and I'm in front of a soon to be king, Net. I then proceeded to snap my head to where I was being stated from and glared. from what I can see he was shocked I glared at him " Im Y/N Dazai, 22, and I'm a Detective, I'm a Ability User, it's called No Longer Human and its a Nullification kind of ability" I started still Glaring at a black hair male I then felt something behind me and quickly jumped back about a foot a put my hand near my pocket ready to grab my Gun " don't think about It" I heard a voice sat from my left side and glanced over there and saw the same guy from the café, then there was a Presents behind me and I jumped to the right before squatting down I look back and forth from the red haired to the black haired and I connected the dots I stood up straight and looked at them with a lazy look, " So, if I'm staying here for who knows how long where will I be living?" I asked with a turn of my head, and I pull my hand away from my pocket and looked at the red haired, he then seemed to be a bit Kinder the the others here right now, they probably can tell that I'm a bit tensed, while looking around I heard the door open, I see a Strawberry-ish blonde a tall Ginger and a Semi tall blonde the blonde being about as tall as me or a bit shorter, it then clicked I was in a school the red haired then saw that I Figured it out and smiled " I run a School called RAD, you are a Exchange student, we hope to help strengthen the bond with the Celestial and human relam." I nod my head in understanding and Stretched my arms over my head I then look at the Black haired male and then looked back at the red haired, " could you introduce me to everyone in the room?" He nodded and pointed at The blacked haired "He's Lucifer, the blonde is Satan, Strawberry blonde is Asmodious, and the ginger is Beelzebub" I nodded And looked to Diavolo's left side " This is Barbatos, my butler" I nodded again and looked around, seems they don't like me to much. I shrug and raised a hand to say hello "Hello, my name is Y/N Dazai, and I'm 22" I said and then Satan walked up to me with a clear fake smile and I returned my own fake smile "Nice to meet you Dazai-San" I nodded "You too Satan-kun, also call me Y/N, have a Twin brother so I'm not used to being called my last name" he nodded and then I clicked, he knew who I was, 'The Demon Prodigy' 'The youngest Underboss' and other nicknames I earned with my Brother he noticed I knew and smirked, I Glared at him and he Froze, he then realized how truly terrible and Terrifying the Demon Prodigy is, he stop what he was doing and smiled again and said "Welcome to Devildom,

Demon Prodigy" I froze everyone in that room froze then It was broke by my Laugher, they then heard what confirmed there Suspicion "God Damn its been a while since I heard that name" I said as my Laugher died down and that smile was soon replaced with a Glare "How do you know who I am" Satan said nothing but looked at Lucifer then back at me and saw the same glare that I gave Lucifer, " You look like Lucifer" he said which confused me, then it hit me, there demons. "So this is Hell?" I said out loud."You could say that," they heard a hum from me, "Im guessing I'm getting a 'Caretaker', Lucifer." he nodded "yeah you are." "Can I pick who? " He then nodded yet again. I looked dead at Satan, he looked at me then sighed, I raised my hand and pointed at Satan."Him" is all I said. He then sighed again "Come one lest go to the HoL" I nodded And walked over to him and began to leave when I heard a Squeak come from the Strawberry blonde he stood up and ran to me fan girling "OMD YOU ARE SO PRETTY, ARE YOU REALLY THE DEMON PRODIGY!!!" he said very Hyper I nodded my head. "I am the Demon Prodigy, and thank you for the Compliment..?" I asked him his name, and he said Asmodious, call him Asmo. The tall Ginger that I remember as beel walked up to me and asked if I had food, "I don't think so, but we can go to a Café if there is one around here, Also Lord Diavolo, is there a way to convert yen to this Currency??" I ask as I look back at him, "There is a way, Japanese yen is about 10 Grimm here," "OK do you have some where we're I can empty my like half of my Bank account??" I asked "Umm I think but I'm not sure, we may also let you go back to your Relam to do It, but other than that I don't think we have the Time rn, it's getting a bit late and I'm Pretty Sure Mammon is supposed to be here by now" he said then Satan looked at me and asked " How much money in Japanese Yen do you have??" I looked up to think I haven't looked at my bank account since I bought Chibi his wine " I honestly don't know the last time I looked at my Bank account is when a Bought wine of a Friend when we were 18" I said with a Small Smile " do you have Whisky here?" I asked "No we don't but we have some other Alcohol drinks" "oh ok" I pulled out my phone and when to the Bank app I have on it and pulled it Up " im supposed my phone still works Herr in hell" I said to no one in Protecular and they Satan looked over my shoulder and his eyes widened a bit and said in a whisper " you have over a Million yen?" He asked in a question tone I nodded my head and walked over to Diavolo and showed him my phone and Said " Can I have 5 and a Half Million Grimm?" With a happy Face everyone in that room froze, then snapped there head over to me and yelled "5 MILLION GRIMM" I nodded my head and sent the Bank think to Diavolo's phone and he sent the Grimm to my phone I then ask for a Card so i can use it and he gave me one, "Am I going to Get a Uniform??" I asked Barbatos nodded "Follow me" he said I walked over to him and we walked together towards a room where I walked in I saw the same Uniform everyone was wearing but the Female version " Im going to go change" I said he nodded and walked out I started with the White blouse the I put the Tights on and then the Greyish black Skirt and then the Same shade of Greyish black it lookes to be a Cardigan the Tie and then the red puffy thing on the Sleeve I walked over and picked up 1 inche heels and slide them on and walked out with a backpack in hand. When I walked out there was a white haired male in there that Lucifer had in a head lock, "Im guessing that's Mammon" I said to Barbatos as he tied the Bow around my Waist, "Yeah, he's not the most reliable, especially with money" he said and I nodded " thanks for Tying the bow" I said and he Nodded his head, I walked out and I guess all eyes were on me again, I walked over to Satan Carrying my Tan-ish coat over my arm " Hi again, I'm sorry for the wait" he shuck his head as if saying it's fine then we here  "THATS THE DEMON PRODIGY" I'm guessing Mammon didn't know I look over at him and nodded.

"Hello Mammon Avatar of Greed" is all I said.

Word count: 1566

A/N: it's not really how the game goes but I didn't really want it to Necessarily go as the game Suggested some of the other events will go in a different way in the Future, so it's going to be fun to Figure it out! Also have fun reading this, and no Hate please! Also I think I said this in one of my other stories but I Can't spell really well, so don't hate on me If I spelt something wrong, also my grammar is not the best so yeah, Just have fun reading this!! - Author out

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