Chapter 2

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A gentle breeze creased pasted her face as Scarlet watched the stares move from her window.
"Why are they after you after all this time Alex, what did you do and what did you take?"
The stares remained quite as they didn't hold the answer that her heart was seeking. "Are you even still alive down there, we are almost at the exact spot where you became fallen." Scarlet started to shiver, memories flashed before her eyes. Even though she was young when it happened she could still see the faces of the guards and Alex.
It was any normal day back in level 61, Alex and scarlet where playing in the yard. even though he was much older then her, he always was there playing and being a good brother. "Scarlet, come here."
"Alex?" Back then Scarlet hardly said a thing except when it came with Alex.
"Alright Sis, I found this really pretty necklace and I want you to have it. But you have to promise me that you'll never take it off or give it to anyone. Understand shortie?" Nodding her head scarlet promised to keep it always. "Good girl. Now I've noticed that you have a thing for keys already so I thought it was perfect for you, do you like it?" A toothy grin looked back at Alex.
"I love it, thank you Alex!" Alex wore a smile of relief, but thinking about it now there was some thing else hidden behind that smile.
"Alex!" Running out of the house the red head seemed frantic as she came closer there where tears in her eyes.
"Mom....whats wrong. what happened!?" She seemed to be searching his face, memorizing it as if it was her last time seeing it.
"The guards, are asking for you they are in the house."
Color drained out of Alex's face and a look of trouble came but left as quick as it had arrived."Im sure it's nothing Mom, wait here with Scarlet."
A few minutes pasted, then a sound erupted from the house. it sounded like a fight had started.
Running in side the house a scene was left in front of their eyes. the house trashed; many valued items broken. The worst sight had to be of that if Alex. He was battered and buried, a single trail of blood came from the corner of his mouth. but upon seeing scarlet that mouth that was twisted in pain turned to a smile. "Hey squirt, sorry you had to see this. Don't cry everything is going to be alright." as those words left his mouth the guards started to pull him towards the front of the house. "No!" Screaming Scarlet ran towards the guards, throwing her self forward, she tried to get them to let go of Alex.
"Little Brat!" One of the guards throw his arm back and landed a blow on scarlet, causing her to fall back wards. "Asshole!" Alex was now screaming at the guards as scarlet watched thought tear filled eyes as he struggled trying to turn to her, wishing he could comfort her. "please let me talk to her, please."
The guards looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders they let go of Alex but keep a close eye on him.
"Hey, hey scarlet." picking up his sister he hugged her, and slowly stroked her hair. whispering "Scarlet it is ok, I need you to be a good girl....look after mom and dad for me will you?" He's voiced creaked, as if he was trying to keep the tears back. "Remember your promise, and I promise I'll see you again. Love you Scarlet." the guards cleared their throat signaling that it was time. Alex lowered Scarlet down looking down one last time he smiled and gave her a thumbs up. With that he as lead away. It wasn't till a few days later they were told that they were being relocated and that Alex was to be fallen later that night.

"Scarlet?" A voice brought Scarlet back from her flask back. standing in front of her window stood Corbin. "Oh Scarlet." he whispered softly as he pulled the crying girl into his arms. Feeling numb to the word Scarlet didn't hear the words that where being whispered into her ear.

Opening her eyes scarlet woke to sun light streaming thought her opened window. Rubbing her eyes Scarlet looked around her room, slowly they landed on a figure resting partly on the bed. Corbin. He must had stated after I feel asleep, he doesn't look comfortable at all. Sitting on the floor with his arms and head on the bed. "I'm so sorry Corbin."
As if hearing his name, Corbin stirred, looking up at Scarlet with a sleepy smile on his face. "Wow you look awful Scarlet." Chuckling he avoided the pillow that was thrown at him by the red head. "Its morning what did you expect, besides you don't look great either sir." Getting out of bed, Scarlet saw want Corbin meant from her reflection."Dang...." her hair was every where, her eyes where red and looked a bit swollen from crying and her skin was paler then normal. "Told you, Scarlet you where thinking about him weren't you?"
"Yeah, we are almost in the exact same place when it all happened." reaching for her necklace she thought to her self. It's stupid if you ask me, we live on a floating city why must we hover in the same rotation year after year? Warmth meet her back, opening her eyes she found Corbin hugging her from behind. "I'm sorry Scare."
Needing warmth Scarlet leaned back into his embrace. "It's not your fault Corbin, don't worry about it."
"How could I not worry." his arms tightened as he spoked as if he was trying to convey just how he felt. "your my best friend and I hate seeing you like this, empty and depressed." He's right Scarlet, every time this happens, I lose myself. I shouldn't worry him. hanging her had, closing her eyes she listed to her friend as he head her trying to bring back her spirit. "I know it is hard Scare, but you can do it." if Alex was here he would be saying the same thing to me. Looking out her window again she saw the lights below. Along with the lights came an idea that with it brought a smile to her face.

"Corbin I have an idea."

It only took a few minutes to expand everything to Corbin. "Your crazy. you know that right. We don't even know if he is alive still. Besides how do you know he'll still remember if he is still alive where he hid what ever? And another note how will you get back!?!?"

"Well that's simple, I use the wings."

Corbin was pacing and throw he's hands in the air. "we just had our fist test run the other day! We aren't even close to Developing an engine that will able to fly that long or fast yet. And not be that heavy."

"Corbin."with a look of determination Scarlet pulled out a not book. "Every thing we need, everything we to know is right here, if your not going to help me I'll do it myself."

Groaning Corbin looked at the note book, reason the text that was printed there. "Your really thing this will work don't you?"
"Your going to be the death of me some day, but let's get started."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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