3-The first day

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I close the door of my hotel room and make my way to my car.

It's my first official day at the SVU at my heart is beating a thousand miles an hour. This is the day I've been waiting for my whole life.

(The outfit of the day)

I got into my car and drove to the unit

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I got into my car and drove to the unit.

As soon as I walked into the squad room Sonny approached me, he smirks.

"Well well well, its nice to see you back here Rosy. I'll show you to your new desk, it's across from mine."

"Hey Sonny, thank you I really appreciate that." I smiled up at him and followed him to my new desk.

"Sure thing, Lieu told me to get you set up she's out at the moment. She said sorry for not being here for your first day."

He brings me a laptop and sets it up for me. We talk for a while and get to know each other. I've decided I really enjoy his company I think we will get along just fine.

We spend the day doing paperwork and Sonny shows me around the precinct and shows me through the paperwork side of things.

"It's been pretty quiet this week we haven't had any cases. Which is a good thing don't get me wrong, but it can get pretty boring doing paperwork all week." He sighs.

"Yeah I can imagine." I chuckle.

"You drink coffee?" He asks.

"No actually." I say, he states at me like I just shot him. "What?"

"What kinda cop doesn't drink coffee?" He exclaims

"This one?" I say pointing to myself. "I do love me a good hot chocolate though."

He stares at me, bewildered. "What are you a child? How old are you?"

"Hey I'm offended. It's not my fault coffee tastes like ass. And I'm 23 for your information."

"Ridiculous. Absolute ludicrous " he mumbles. "Follow me, doll"

I follow him to a coffee machine in the break room. I look at it in disgust.

"Calm down, there's hot chocolate over here." He gets two mugs out of a cupboard and makes himself a coffee with two sugars and me a hot chocolate.  "Here you go sweetheart, you want marshmallows?"

"Of course!" I say excitedly.

"My god." He chuckles as he takes two marshmallows from the cupboard and places them in my drink.

"Well thank you sir." I say as I lift the mug to my lips.

His eyes darken as he watches me. "I wouldn't call me that if I were you."

I moan as the hot chocolate hits my tongue. "Oh my god that's so good are you kidding."

Sonny shifts slightly against the bench he is leaning on.

"Where did you learn to make such good hot chocolate?" I ask, bringing it to my lips again.

"I was a barista in my freshman year." He says bringing his coffee to his lips.

"Well you are now my designated hot chocolate maker sir." I sigh.

Suddenly Sonny stands from his position and moves closer to me slowly. He uses his thumb and forefinger to lift my chin to look at him as he moves closer to me, pressing my back against the wall.

"I told you you shouldn't call me that sweetheart." He sighs.

My lips part and my heart beats faster as I look up at him. His eyes are fixated on my lips as his thumb pulls my bottom lip down slightly. He pushes the top of his thumb into my mouth and I automatically suck it gently.

He groans quietly and moves his thumb out of my mouth. He brings his hand to the front of my neck and wraps it around my throat.

"Bad girl." He says as he brings his face closer to mine. His breath fans across my face, he smells like coffee and cologne. My breath hitches.

He stops just when his lips are about to touch mine and moves away from me. He bites his lip as he walks backwards back to the table. He grabs his coffee from the table, sips it still maintaining eye contact, and leaves the room.

And I'm left speechless with a throbbing between my legs that's more intense then I have ever felt.

I just met this guy yesterday. What the fuck just happened.

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