8- The hotel

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The restaurant is nothing fancy, it's relaxed and it feels homey. There's a small bar near the front of the restaurant and small booths at the back where Sonny lead us to.

"After you." He says as he motions for me to sit in the booth.

"Why thank you." I smile.

He sits next to me, our legs almost touching.

We order food and decide to just order some water.

"So, lay it on me." Sonny says. His rests his chin in his hand as he waits for me to begin.

I take a breath and then I tell him, briefly, about my mother. I tell him of my childhood and even about how I was assaulted when I was young. I tell him about how my mother uses me for money and how last time I refused to pay her she had my apartment ransacked. I told him about the last conversation I had with my mum and how I decided to run.

When I finish our food arrives and I take a mouthful.

Sonny rubs his hand over his mouth. "Damn. That's a lot." He says. I can almost see his brain trying to think of what to say.

"Yeah I mean, it's life I guess." I say as I take another mouthful of food.

Suddenly he softly grabs my hand in his, making me put down the fork in my hand. I look at him and he looks into my eyes with the most sincere expression.

"I'm really sorry that that happened to you Rosalie. You didn't deserve that." He said quietly.

I feel tears prick my eyes and I smile sadly at him. "Thank you Sonny."

He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses the back of it softly. "Thank you for trusting me, for telling me." He says.

I smile at him. "Thank you for listening to me."

He smiles back at me and we both start eating our food again.

"So you're living out of a hotel?" He asks.

"Yes for the moment, until I can find an apartment far enough from my old one." I sigh.

"Well, you know if you need a place to crash, I have a spare bedroom you could borrow. I mean it's full of random crap right now but I'll clear it out for you." He offers.

My face lights up. "Oh Sonny I can't ask you to do that."

"Rosy you're my partner now, we've got to look out for each other." He says.

" Thank you, I'd really appreciate that." I smile at him.

His hand finds my thigh and he squeezes it reassuringly.

"We can stop by your hotel room and grab your stuff now if you want, then we can head back to my apartment and get you settled in." He says as he drops his fork onto his now cleared plate.

"Yeah that would be great." I say as I place my fork down as well. We get up from our chairs and make our way outside to our cars.

"So you want to follow me to the hotel? It's off highway 6, not far from here. Or I could just grab my things, you can message me the address if you want. I don't want you having to go out of your way even more than you are already."

He cuts me off by bringing his lips to mine. I'm surprised by the kiss and it takes me a moment to kiss him back. His hand finds my hair as he deepens the kiss. My hands rest on his chest and after a minute he rests his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry, I just had to do that. I hope that's okay I just.." he started to ramble but I cut him off this time, placing a chaste kiss on his lips this time.

"Sonny, it's okay." I smile.

He runs his thumb over my cheek. "Okay great." He chuckles. "And I can follow you there. I'll be right behind you."

He removes his hand from my face and walks away from me, looking back to smile at me "lead the way Ms Baker" he says.

I smile and get into my own car. I lead the way to the hotel and once I get out I lean against my car as I wait for Sonny to park.

He parks next to me and gets out of the car, he approaches me and presses me further against the car with his body.

"Cute hotel. Very nice" he says. I laugh.

"Cute enough I guess"

One of his hands finds my waist and the other finds my cheek once again. He searches my eyes for any sense of uncertainty before bringing his lips to mine again. The kiss gets more intense and I stand up from the car, moving him back a little bit. I pull away and I grab his hand.

"Let's get inside." I whisper.

We walk into my hotel room and Sonny immediately pins me against the door. He stares into my eyes, obviously silently asking if this is okay.

I nod and give him a reassuring smile before I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and bring him closer to me.

He brings his lips to mine in a passionate kiss and grips the back of my thighs, he taps my thigh with his finger signalling me to jump.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he grounds himself into me. I moan into the kiss and he moves his lips from mine to leave a trail of kisses down my neck, sucking on my sweet spot once he finds it making me moan and squirm as I move my hips to meet his. He groans and spins me, laying me onto the bed as he hovers over me.
He returns his lips to mine and our tongues fight for dominance, his wins of course and he explores my mouth.
I move my hand down his body between us and rub his dick through his right dress pants. He groans and his hips move to meet my hand.

"Fuck Rosy." He moans.

He removes my shirt, putting my red lace bra on full display. He moans at the sight and his hand finds my right breast, massaging it as he kisses me.
His hands then grab both of mine, trapping them above my head. He holds them there with one hand and uses the other to slide my skirt down my legs.

"Do not move your hands." He says firmly as he removes his hand that's trapping mine.

He kisses me once again as he uses both his hands to tear my stockings in half.

"Hey that was my only pair." I laugh

"I'll buy you new ones sweetheart." He chuckles back as his lips meet mine again. He moves back from me and stares in awe at me.

"Did you wear this set for me baby?" He asks and he rubs me through my panties slowly.

"Yes sir." I reply as I moan at the contact.

"Good girl." He says lowly. His lips meet mine again as his hand enters my panties, his other hand goes back to keep my hands above my head.

"Fuck Sonny." I moan as he runs me.

"That's not my name Rosy." He warns.

I moan as he enters two fingers inside me, my back arches into him. His thumb finds my clit and rubs it slowly.

"Faster please sir" I moan

"Sure thing sweetheart." He thrusts his fingers faster into me and moves his thumb at a faster pace. His mouth finds my breast, sucking on it which sends me over the edge.

"Fuck I'm going to cum sir." I moan

"Cum for me baby, right on my fingers." He commands. "You look so hot riding my fingers sweetheart." He groans.

I feel the pressure in my stomach let go as I release all over his fingers. I almost scream as I grip his hand that's holding mine above my head still.

"There's a good girl." He says in a husky voice as he helps me through my orgasm. Once I finish he pulls his fingers out of me and sucks them into his mouth. "You taste so sweet."

As my heart rate slows he pulls me into his arms against his chest.

"But what about you?" I ask as I go to get up to help him cum too.

"Don't worry about me tonight sweetheart, you can pay me back another time. I just wanted tonight to be about you.

We lay there, my head on his chest, his fingers running through my hair and at some point I close my eyes and drift into sleep.

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