8. Captured

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POV: Bree
When we woke up I looked around and saw Adam, Chase, Leo, Mr. Davenport and I all handcuffed to a pole in a bionic signal interrupter cage. Then I saw my best friends... with Douglas.

"Rise and shine my wonderful family." Douglas said.

"Wait, Are we glowing. Guys how shiny am I?" Adam said and all of us just rolled out eyes.

Then Chase made a pleading look at Jenna." Jenna remember me. I am your boyfriend. Please you have to snap out of it. This isn't you, Douglas is controlling you. Please Jenna where is my girlfriend." then he got more commanding "where is she Jenna where is my girlfriend!"

Jenna blinked and is yells "no!" And start choking Chase with her molecular kanisis. Her eyes flash bright green and hen went back to her unique ocean blue eyes. Then she collapsed on the ground and Douglas put her in the cage and unhand cuffed us. Now we roamed free through out the cage.

"Jenna. Jenna! JENNA!" Adam said and smacked her across the face. She jumped up and punched him in the gut. He went right into the laser bars. we couldn't stop laughing at him.

POV: Jenna
When I woke up and was done hitting Adam for waking me up I saw chase and hugged him until he couldn't breath. I can't remember anything after Douglas on the screen pressed a button. "What happened, Chase?"

"You where under control of Douglas with his tritant app but I disabled it. All you did was beat us up capture us and lock us in a cage." Chase said

" It doesn't matter. Come on out guys." Douglas says. Before I could blink my for brothers and two sisters come out along with my mom who goes right to Douglas and grabs his hand.

"Mom, Steven, Sam, Megan, Tyler, Gabe, and Grace get away from him. He is dangerous" I yell to my sibling saying them in order from oldest to youngest.( I am in between Tyler and Gabe,) there eyes flash green and I jump back. "You made them Bionic." I say trying to hold back tears but they slip out.

I turn into Chases shoulder and just cry. 'My family evil, and my mom choosing to date Douglas. My life is over. My loved ones have gone to the dark side.' I think while crying. Then I decided to try to save them.

I get myself really upset and then something happened. I think it was a new ability. I point my hand at the laser and touch it, then back up and create a giant flaming neon pink ball. I lower my arms and the cage breaks like it was made of toothpicks. I look at my reflection and see my eyes where the bright blue they where when I activated my GPS except they had neon purple, pink, and green lines swimming in them.

I walk/ run to my siblings and clutch the skin around where Stevens heart is. He flew backwards and when he opened his eyes they shined just like mine and hen went back to his normal ocean blue eyes. I wave my hand in front of him and teleport him back to the lab. Steven was ok.

Just then Megan attacked me. I fought with my older sister like a pro but got bruises and a broken clavicle. Just before her and Tyler would have taken the killing blow on me I use my molecular kanisis to pin them to the wall. I take my hands and did the same thing I did to Steven. Three down, four to go. (Including Abbi)

I run and tear my little brother Gabe off of Chase and throw him. "Wow he is really good for a 14 year old." Chase said stumbling to his feet.

"Yeah he has always excelled in his studies" I say fighting him. Then Chase traps Gabe in an energy trap. "How are you doing that."

"I don't know. I guess it's a new ability." Chase said. I hurt shrugged my shoulders and did what I did to the others. Gabe was fine and now I had to get Sam and Grace off of Adam.

Grace was easy. Adam hit her and because she was so small she flew all the way across the room. I teleport to her and catch her in the air before she hits the ground. I whisper sorry into her ear and zap her heart. Then teleport her to the lab.

Next was Sam. I go to him him but when I got to him Douglas hits a button on the remote he has. Before anyone knew what was happening Sam blew up.

" There now all of your siblings are gone except the girls and Tyler. I got them last so I couldn't add that. YET." Douglas said

"You did what." Abbi said.

"I blew them up." he said again

" They where like me. You said they where my siblings by default. They put a protective property in my chip. Siblings are included. You hurt them so I am gunna hurt you." Abbi said. Then she used her and invisibility ability to sneak over to Douglas and then punched him with her super strength. He went flying and they all grabbed me.

We teleport home and I grab my little sister. I hold her close to me as Megan and Ty hold us. We all just stand there and Adam holds Abbi. Chase holds Bree and holds my hand. Mr. Davenport holds the other side of Megan and Adam. We stand there either silently or crying. We soon go to bed and that's when I realize it. I am becoming Depressed .

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