Part 1

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Estelle: Mummy, why we always going here during Christmas?

Saya: Why? I thought you like to have a long ride?

Estekke: I do Mummy, but not this place anymore, I even know what we are going to do after this, it's all the same routine every year.

Saya diam saja pura-pura fokus memandu, lagipun sekejap lagi kami akan sampai di destinasi. Akhir-akhir ni pandai sudah dia merungut dan mengaduh banyak perkara (adakah saya begini semasa kecil?) past few year okay saja dia, dia ikut saja mana Mummy dia bawa. Sejak dia masuk Kindergarten tahun ni pandai sudah dia tanya banyak perkara, sebab mula explore dunia luar. Tapi ni first time dia tanya personal matter. Tahun ini dia baru genap 4 tahun. Syukur disebabkan dia masuk di Kindergarten "Smart Reader Kids" anak ini belajar dengan cepat.

Estelle: After check in hotel, we will go to St. Martin Church for Christmas Eve, then go back, then tomorrow we will go again to church for Christmas, then after that we check out and have a ride back to KK. Don't you tired Mummy?

Nah tengok ni anak complain sudah.

Saya masih tidak layan dia, sebab sampai di perkarangan hotel sudah. Saya pun parking kereta.

Saya: Baby, pick your backpack we will check in now, wash up and have a bite after that, before we go to Church.

Estelle pun diam sudah, kami turun dari kereta, saya buka bonet dan keluarkan backpack kami, Estelle sendiri bawa backpack dia, bukan juga besar pun backpack dia, muat patung dia saja. Lepas tu kami beriringan masuk di lobby hotel, terpampang besar nama ni hotel di belakang counter "Hotel Seri Malaysia".

Reception: Hello welcome Miss.

Saya: Thank you. Tolong check booking saya under nama Scarlet.

Reception: Sekejap ya.

Terus tu reception check di komputer hotel dan tidak lama kemudian.

Reception: Two days one night kan Miss? queen room.

Saya: Ya.

Terus tu reception urus checkin kami, lepas siap semua, kami pun naik di bilik.

Lepas bersiap kami pun keluar untuk makan sebelum kami ke gereja sembayang untuk Christmas Eve.

Selepas siap sembahyang malam itu kami pun drive menuju ke pekan untuk balik hotel.

Saya: Baby, you want to eat?

Estelle: I'm full Mummy, but burger will do.

Saya: KFC.

Estelle: Okay.

Nasib saya tanya ni anak, kalau tidak di mana lagi mau cari makan kalau sudah tengah malam. Selepas beli burger di KFC kami pun balik hotel.

Selepas Estelle makan (ni anak bilang tadi sudah kenyang, nasib baik la Mummy dia beli 2 burger dan dia boleh habis kan 2 burger tu, badan kurus tapi kuat makan, banyak cacing kali ni anak ni..hahaha) dan Estelle siap mandi kami pun bersiap tidur.

Estelle: Mummy, we don't have kampung?

Dub! Terus jantung saya berdetak laju, kenapa ni anak ni pandai tanya sudah macam-macam.

Saya: Why?

Saya melembutkan suara sambil saya belai-belai rambut dia.

Estelle: My friends at school all have kampung, they always tell me about their kampung.

Tiba-tiba Estelle duduk dan memegang dagu dia macam orang tua pula.

Estelle: Or our kampung is in here Mummy? So that I can tell my friends.

Saya: No, our kampung not in here. Mummy just like to visit this place once a year.

Estelle: Why you like this place Mummy?

Saya: There is a memory Mummy can't delete from my head about this place.

Estelle: What memory Mummy?

Saya: it's not the right time yet Baby, you are still too young to know.

Estelle: I'm big Mummy, I'm 5 years old.

Saya: No. You are 4 years old.

Estelle: I know Mummy, you can tell me. I will keep secret, like me and Mia, I keep secret between us.

Saya: But you tell Mummy sometimes about Mia's secret..haha..

Estelle: Because I trust you Mummy..hahaha..

Saya: Wait you passed secondary school first. I will tell you everything after your passed SPM.

Estelle: So long? How old I am after SPM Mummy?

Saya: 18.

Estelle pun mengira menggunakan jari-jari dia.

Estelle: 15 years more?

Saya: Yes, study hard first. Be a very good daughter to Mummy. Then I will tell you everything.

Estelle: Promice?

Saya: Promice.

Estelle: Pinky promice.

Kami pun lock jari kelingking, Lepas tu Estelle peluk saya kuat-kuat.

Estelle: Mummy, then where is your Kampung.

Saya: Far from here.

Estelle: We must ride aeroplane?

Saya: Yes, but we don't have much money.

Estelle: Okay Mummy I will save money from now on so that we can go back to Kampung... Yahoo...

Saya senyum saja gelagat ni anak.

Saya: Sleep Baby, we need to wakeup early tomorrow.

Estelle: Good night Mummy, I love you soooooooooooo much.. as big as this room.

Saya: Only?

Estelle: Infinity.

Saya: I love you too sooooooo much my Baby.. muahhhh..

Selepas saya baringkan dia terus tertidur ni anak. Mungkin lapang sudah fikiran dia. How about me? Apa yang saya mau cakap dengan ni anak 15 tahun kemudian? Arggggg.. I have 5,478 days more to think..

Keesokan harinya selepas kami habis sembahyang dan check out hotel kami pun travel back to KK. Bye Bumi Kenyalang, till we meet again. Hari ini long ride back kami tidak 'cold' sudah, sepanjang jalan kami menyanyi. We really have a good ride.

I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in; and the kind you don't dare to let out.


Stay Tune for the next part

Note about Author

1. Second script from the writer..

2. There have a lot of typos..

3. Grammars problem 😅

4. This is my 'Twin' from another mom and dad story..hahahaha..

*please support and love my story 😘

Publish on 3rd May 2023 @ 3:45 pm

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