part 8

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Time skip....

At Jungkook house...

Many laughing sound is coming from the garden side...

BTS and Lisa having their great time after almost 6 years later...

L: I can't believe it's almost 6 years..everything has changed but u guys didn't...I am glad...

Jm: u also...become more beautiful and stylish...

L: Jim u still a filter....

Jin: he will never changed...

L: ig tae is also same like before...a bad boy, school heartrobs..

T: yeah u are a little bit I am influenced by myself...I can pay my tuition fees by my own and also have many scholarships....

L: that's a very good...ur sister must be proud of u about ur sister how is she...

T: she stays with her husband in London...sometime she comes to visit me...and here i am alone...

L: hey dont be sad...who knows there is someone who can take care of u...

Jm: Liz don't say anything to this boy...just ask us...u know there is a girl who plays drums in his heart...

Jin: what her name is...

Jm: Kim...Kim..

T: hey you two stay in ur limit..she is not even infront of my feet...

Jm: kook why aren't u say anything..

Jin: lisa come back after many years..u don't have anything to say..

L: yahh kook is still that silly school boy.. let's cheer for kook ok guys...get your drinks...

Jin/jm/T/L: CHEERS..

JK: NO..

Everyone looked at jk...

L: kook what's wrong..

Jk: Priya.. why did u have a photoshoot with other guys??

Lisa blushed a lil bit and hang her head down...

Tae,jm,jin also got embarrassed by his question...

L: I thought u liked that photos...don't u??
Jk: no I didn't??u know that I don't like to see u in that short dresses...but u never listen to me..
L: it's ok...u always possessive towards me...that's why I love u...

Then lisa peaks jk on lips...

Jm/jin/t: WWWWOOOOOOHHH..plz give me one, give me one.....

That night went like thiss....

Next day...

Taehyung was searching for Jen but she is nowhere to be found....then she saw that Jen was with Eunwoo...having a great time together...they are laughing...Tae felt so anger in him....he went from there...

Many days have passed...

Jen was always with Eunwoo and ignore all the BTS...have her own world...and on other hand tae can't tolerate this...

One day...

In university cafeteria....

Jen and eun took their launch and went to sit together...suddenly Jen eyes went to other side of the cafeteria where BTS and Lisa talking with each other...Tae also looked at Jen...Jen felt lil nervous.. so she just shrugged it off and ate her launch ignoring the eyes of Taehyung....Tae can't take his eyes off...

Jen can't take it anymore and took her launch and about to went from there but she got bumped with someone and got herself on the ground...

E: JEN...u ok??

Tae went to her...and pushed Eunwoo...from her..he sit to reach her level..

T: I offered u that proposal but u didn't accept it..If u did then u won't be's ur fault....

Jen just glared at him...

Jk felt so angry and went to them...Lisa got confused..what's going on...

Jk went there and picked Jen from the ground...Jen had a lil cut on her wrist...jk looked at tae angrily and about to go with Jen...but tae hold Jen other hand..

T: kook u can't take her away from me..
JK: Tae u..
T:NO LEAVE HER NOW...or else kook our friendship will be ruined...
J: u both stop now and leave me..

Tae looked at Jen and got disappointed..he left her hand...and jk pulled her towards him...Lisa just stood there while looking at there moves...

Jk went from there with Jen and tae just stood there angrily and wanted to punch jk.....

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