Tuckers residents & Confessions

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1 week later
I had got out of school with nothing to do Butters offered that we hung out since we haven't in a while so I wasn't gonna disagree we went to his home lucky his parents weren't home they were weird.. in a bad way, we went up to his room "What should we do?" He asked I was a bit dazed then I felt a tap I jumped a bit "Tweek?" Butters question a bit worried "Oh yeah I'm good!" I quickly responded not wanting to worry him "We could binge watch stupid show Kenny's always talking about" he suggested "No Kenny might wanna do that with you" I said a sigh came out my mouth "hmm.. What about we go to a cat cafe!" My eyes instantly lit up "Hello kitty cat cafe?" I said my eyes sparkled I've always wanted to go there "Ooh yeah!" Butters exclaimed excited "Okay well let's go!" I said grabbing his hand excited we run off past shops and we arrive my eyes shine as if stars are in them and I quickly go in and a lady comes to me dressed in a hello kitty outfit "Hello! Welcome to hello kitty cafe a table for two?" she asked happy I eagerly nod my head "Yeah just for two please" Butters said scratching his head the lady nods and takes us to are table "Micheal will be right over to get your drinks" she said softly as we sit down I see loads of cats I squeal "Butters I want a cat now!" He looks around happy "Well maybe we could get one and take care of it!" He said loving the idea "Like a married couple?" I joke and Butters giggles "Yeah a married couple" we joke around more till Micheal comes over a short male he smiles "So what can I get you?" I swear my heart skips a few beats he was so attractive "I want a hello kitty Sakura tea and tweek?" I was lost looking at him I hear him giggle and my heart melted "Tweek?" I shake off my thoughts "Oh Im gonna have the charming tea.." he nods and writes it down and walks away "Tweek what was that!" "I um. I am not to sure honestly" Butters didn't believe me I knew it

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I dragged Craig out the house "C'mon let's  get some drinks and call it a night~" I tease just wanting to get drunk "Why not do it with Stan or Kyle?" Craig asked annoyed "Because craigorry we haven't hung out in a bit" I said smiling as we make our way to Starlight bar he just sighed, We got in and I smelled alcohol I took Craig over to the stools "Hey Kenny" Karen said she was used to me by now "What do you want? If it's fucking I can't do that anymore I have someone" She said annoyed and she turned back to work "Calm down Karen I got myself a person too I just wanna have a few drinks with Craigy here" I say laughing softly she looked at Craig "Well as long as you don't annoy the hell outta me" She said chewing her gum "So what do you guys want?" She asked raising her eye brow "Martini for me and let him try a coke and rum for now" I say with a sly smile she nodded and turned back to her work station making the drinks "You fucked Karen?" Craig asked not super surprised "Hey this was before I met buttercup" I said defensively and didn't you fuck with uh.. what's there name.. Micheal? I asked smirking "That was at a party and plus that's like 3 years ago I hate the guy now" Craig said getting annoyed "We know you have a new plaything" I wink at him then are drinks are placed on the table "What?" He asked taking a drink of his beverage "Y'know tweek? He's your plaything" I said bringing my beverage to my mouth I saw some blush cover Craig's cheeks but quickly went away "W-wha! Twitchy!?" He said shocked by my words "Oh don't act so surprised! I can tell you like him! So just ask him out" I said he seemed so be a big angered by my words but he just took a drink of his beverage I giggled and did the same "Hey Karen get craigorry 2 dark 'n' stormys and me 3 shots of tequila" I say ready for a long night

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Me and Butters had paid and decided it was time we left "Hold on I need to use the restroom" I say walking to the restroom I walk in and see the attractive male that served us I got nervous I walked past him but he grabbed me before I could speak he pinned me to a wall "Your a cutie~" he said smirking "I uh-" before I could speak he cut me off "Here's my number call me for a good time" He said giving me a paper before winking and leaving the room I was in complete shock I shook my head and ran out to Butters "Let's go!" I said grabbing butters hand as got out the shop and start walking "What happened?" Butters asked "I don't know he said call him for a good time I mean he was cute.. but I can't date him." I said looking off in the distance I saw the Starlight bar up ahead "Let's just move on nothing to serious" Just as I said that two boys were thrown out of the Starlight bar "Stay out!" I heard a girl yell closing the door I looked at who was thrown out my eyes widened it was Kenny and Craig who seems to be very drunk.. "Kenny?" Butters spoke up and as that happens Kenny instantly gets up and has a childish grin "Buttercup!" He says wrapping arms around Butters I saw Craig get up and stumble a bit they must be really drunk.. I see Craig come towards me "Don't hurt me please!" I say covering my face "You smell nice" he says my eyes widened "We should go to your house Craig!" Kenny yells "Sure we can party more~" Craig slurred smiling I've never seen him smile he looks so .. good I said in my head and Butters squealed since Kenny pick him up bridal style and we started walking to Craig's house I kept looking at Craig he looked almost upset "What's wrong?" I asked softly "You got scared of me" He said frowning and getting upset "Hey I'm sorry .. just startled me that's all" I said calmly he reached his hand out I looked at him and he was still growing so I grabbed his hand he smiled and we were on our way I think I like drunk Craig..

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