Chapter 2

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"So, what can you tell me about the story of 'Sleeping Beauty'?"I ask the class, walking in between desks to intimidate my students.

They all gaze at me in silence. Sometimes, I think that they are all stupid and would die without my guidance. I thought that this years bunch would be better, but now, I realise that they are similar to the rest. Too stubborn to do what is right to make a difference.

"Hort, you tell me the answer or Gods help me, this class will suffer.". I slam my cane on the boy's desk, startling him. He looks up towards me as the door suddenly opens, making us both look over. Stood in the doorway,  was the Princess herself. Today, she was wearing a very low-cut pale blue gown, with vines and flowers flowing across her bodice. Even when she wasn't wearing her usual gold, she looked spectacular. I tear my eyes away from her to look at the boy once again.

"Well, boy, I asked you a question. Or can you not answer that?"I ask, leaning into him.

"Well, Maleficent and the Queen used to be friends, but once the Queen married, she turned her back of Maleficent. Maleficent was annoyed and wanted to know what had happened to their friendship, but then she found out that the Queen was expecting a child and she wanted to wish the child well."

"That's not how the story goes, pardon my interrupting" pipes up a voice from behind me. I turn to look at Clarissa, who has perched herself on the corner of my desk.

 'Oh, how I would like to bend her over and...'

"Well, the Good side got a different version as Heroes 'can do no wrong'. Us Villains know the truth. Now, if you don't mind, Hort can continue the storytelling."

"However, the Queen got too caught up in the riches of her new life and all the attention that she gained that she forgot all about Maleficent and forgot to invite her to the baby's christening. When Maleficent heard this, she was enraged and turned up uninvited. Maleficent knew of the dangers of men and their ways when a girl became a woman. She only wanted to wish the girl safety, but with the fear of death that the Queen could impose, she messed up her curse and accidentally cursed Aurora to sleep."

"That's simply not true. Maleficent attacked Aurora unprecidented. That's the end of that."Clarissa interrupts moving towards me.

"And who fed you this lie? The School Master who controlled the stories, oh wait, yes, that was Rafal."I spit back, turning to face her.

She looks down towards the floor in embarrassment, knowing that I was right.

"Class, you are dismissed, and for homework, I want a foot of parchment on why Villain's fairytales are correct."

Students move quickly out of the classroom, not wanting to be shouted at for being slow. Anadil was the last to leave, and she quietly closes the door.

"I do not appreciate being upstaged in my own classroom, Princess. And what brings you to this side of the bridge, hm?". I walk towards her, backing her into the desk.

"I'm sorry, Lady Lesso, I just wanted to simply observe one of your lessons as you always seem to be watching me teach."she replies, trying to push me back, but only pushing herself into me.

"Well, maybe you should have sent word beforehand. Then you wouldn't be in this position. Tell me, do you feel intimidated by me right now?". The feeling of her pushing into me still creates heat all over my body, the rise and fall of her chest drawing my eyes to the top of her breasts, threatening to escape.

"N-no, you don't frighten me."Dovey utters out.

"Well then, I am simply not being evil enough. I must go and work on myself. I suppose I will see you at supper tonight.". I step back away from her and I swear I could here her whimper when I had moved away.Giving her a smug grin, I turn on my heel and make my way to the entrance of the school for a quick walk around the grounds. The walk through the school is somewhat quiet as many students are currently in lessons. Scorch marks of past fights and magic-use decorate the cracking stones of the corridor walls, moss and plants fighting their way through, making their claim on the school known.

I remember when I used to walk down these hallways as a student.  I was seen as an outcaast, the only reader that year. Normally, there would be two readers, one good and one evil. But due to Rafal not wanting me to have too much competition, he made sure only I was selected. I would spend my spare time reading books of all the fairytales in the library and would even sometimes sneak into the Library of Good. On occasion, I would spy Dovey doing rounds on the library after curfew, but I was careful enough not to get caught. Always one step ahead

Leaving the doors of the Evil Castle, I turn immediately to my right down a set of broken stone steps, loose rocks tumbling down until they hit something that will stop their path. Not many know where this leads to, and many others choose life instead of this precarious death. Using my cane for stability, I continue making my way down, the intoxicating smell of the garden enticing me. 

Once at the bottom of the steps, I see the Garden of Evil. Some would say that Evil can't have nice things, beautiful things, but I disagree. Ever since I discovered this patch of land, weeds fighting for survival and a place to make death be natural, I decided that this would become my hobby. Tending to a small garden filled with plants and flowers that others think are dangerous yet beautiful.

Kneeling down onto the ground near a flower bed, I start to pluck weeds out of the ground, making a small pile next to me. Small shoots of grass and dandelions pulled from the earth, leaving small mounds of earth in its places. The peace this brings me compares to nothing in my life. No one would believe this is what I do in my spare time, but anything to make sure I don't kill any of my students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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