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I finished packing my bags and began to load them in the truck. I can't believe my parents are making me go all the way across the country. To a stupid boarding school for werewolves.

Yes, I know I'm a wolf and all but I don't want to leave my home. I will have no friends there. Since I have to leave my best friend Sydney behind.

We had already said our goodbyes. Which sadly ended in tears.

I went to my back yard and stripped down before changing into my wolf form. Deciding to take one last run through the woods. I was a pure white wolf which was very rare. My dad used to say it was because I was special. But I couldn't help but to find myself the same as everyone else. I began running through the woods at full speed breathing in the air that hit my lungs. When I had enough I slowly jogged back. Changing into my human form and pulling my clothes back on. I ran my fingers through my long brown hair. I then fixed my t-shirt over my c-cup chest and my slim body. Then I pulled my shorts over my thighs and rather impressive butt. I had the body of a goddess. And the beauty of an angel.

"Chloe" my dad said. Snapping me out of my thoughts."try not to be so upset. You'll be able to visit on breaks"

I wasn't very pleased. I didn't want to leave but I climbed in the backseat of the truck anyway.

"I don't want to go" I groaned

"Just look on the bright side what if you find your mate" my mom said grinning. I never really thought about finding my mate. Even though I knew every werewolf is supposed to. I never really thought too much about finding mine.

"Mom, how did you meet dad". I asked curiously.

"Well I met him at boarding school actually". She said with a chuckle. What a coincidence. i wonder if thats why they were sending me to boarding school.My parents had been married for a long time. I would surely miss them and my friends. I tried to hold back tears as we drove off towards the airplane station. We mostly drove in silence. With my dad asking me questions here and there. I ended up promising them that I would tell them as soon as I found my mate. If i found my mate. Which I really didn't care about. I new I'd find him eventually but it wasn't on my to do list.

We arrived at the airport. I checked in and and I said my goodbyes to my parents. Before boarding the plane. I tucked my overnight bag in the little compartment above my seat, and sat as I tried to get it through my mind that my old life was over. For now.

* * * * *

When I was finally able to get off the plane I was relieved. It seemed as if we were on the plane for ages. I retrieved my bags and went to the car that was outside. Ready to take me to campus. It took about an hour to get there. As soon as we arrived I went to the office building to pick up my schedule and my dorm room key. I walked up to the lady behind the desk. She had on an office suit and her hair was in a neat bun. She had on dark mascara that made her green eyes pop. And looked great against her pale skin. And I could see her mark on her neck. She had a mate who already claimed her.

She looked up and smiled" hello I'm Mrs. Bennett. What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Hi I'm Chloe Sanders. I'm the new student here and I'd line to pick up my schedule and my dorm key." I responded politely.

"Just a second". She said before going through a file. She then handed me my schedule and my room key. "Your in dorm three room 215. Welcome to Bemuga High". She said genuinely.

"Thank you" I said before heading out the door. Bemuga's campus was huge. All the dorms were to the left. And the school was to my right.while the office building stood in the middle. I headed to my left in search of my dorm.they were labeled with numbers. I finally find number three. I walked in and climbed the stairs until I found room 215. I unlocked the door and walked in. To say I was amazed would be an understatement.

There was a living room with brown couches, a huge flat screened t.v. And game systems. I walked further in to see a kitchen with a counter in the center surrounded by stools. I then saw a hallway which I assumed lead to the bedrooms. This may not be as bad as I thought.

Note from author

This is my first attempt at writing a story so if its not perfect bear with me.




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