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I look around the classroom trial room acc and we now know it's not Hagakure. We're still trying to figure it out. This blackend is very strategic. They blocked out every corner of evidence we can know ml die. Everyone in the room started to look tense as well. Everyone had then started to get massive headaches, they gripped their head in pain as each one started to pass out.
Aoi was first to wake. She was looking around confused. This wasn't the trial room or her dorm room, it was a library. She looked down still dizzy after all her friends were there sound asleep. She knew this wasn't right. "GUYS!" she yelled desperately for them to wake. They all fluttered their eyes open to see what was happening as they were coming back to their senses they realized they weren't at Hope's Peak academy.

Makoto was startled awake by a scream.shooting up confusion started seeping into his bones as he began to take in his surroundings.
As a head peaked out the corner of a shelf the person then shushed them, informing the students " you guys are in a library, quiet down or you'll be kicked out.",the woman stated, dragging her finger in the air like she was underlining her sentence. "I should've kicked you hooligans out when you used a quirk to get in here." The brunette muttered as she began to walk away from the flustered group. "The fuck is a quirk?!" Yasuhiro  exclaimed, "Maybe she was talking about an ultimate?"said Neagi as he tried to stand, failing spectacularly "Then why don't we just ask." Kirigiri said in her usual monotone voice

They all began walking over to the counter getting lost on the way through the huge maze-like library. "Excuse me,um, what did you mean when you said quirk?"  Neagi asked the lady at the counter, she looked at him like he was making fun of her then rolled her eyes " have you been living under a rock?"she said, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Jeez , it's your power duh you imbecile" the lady over the desk then said rolling her eyes again " oh don't be idiotic powers don't exist ." Byakuya stated. Fed up with all that's going on, he was teleported somewhere he doesn't know how there is a murder in their group now there is some lady who is telling them lies.

The lady then looked like she was about to rip his head off at that comment " if you don't believe me then use the damn computers to search it up" the brunette  shouted as she remembered her location then quieted down knowing she can't yell. "Imbeciles," she muttered under her breath. " Thank you, we'll go to the computers..." Kirigiri said making sure Byakuya wouldn't say something that would further anger the woman.

They began stumbling around the library in search of the computers, finding none. The wooden floors were old and creaky, adding to the ancient feel of the building. Neagi began to make his way to the second level, the others following closely behind.

They started searching the second floor. Toko ran off to the back saying something about some romance books being near there, as she went to the back she found the old but not too old of a computer knowing her friends were looking for some she ran back to them saying " i found a computer guys!" As they all went along with Toko leading them they made it to the computer. Neagi then sat down as the other surround the computer as Neagi then searched it up as the result popped out 'a quirk is a power you get when your 5 years old you can then use them to fight off villains or people who use their powers as bad or you can use them to help with your job.' as they all examined the sentence that popped up they realized they are not where they came from. Kyoko then asks Neagi "can you search Hope's peak academy" as Neagi does so there is no result and just shows them more academies they may be interested in like UA, a hero training school.

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